“The joy of the Lord is my strength and shield, my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him.” ~ Psalm 28:7 ~
All day long I’ve pondered what to post for today’s Sabbath Keeping and I’ve come up blank. It’s not the Bible’s fault; it’s entirely on my shoulders. Life has been F.U.L.L. lately so, I’ll just give a little update. The calendar says it’s spring but the temperatures are hurrying summer right along and while it’s not quite as hot as the hinges of hell, summer is marching on and coming quickly.
The horses have decided it’s so hot, they can forgive (and perhaps forget) the matriarch’s death, Peaches, last November. She died under the run-in shelter at the barn and even though I cleaned the area, I feel quite certain “something” lingers. This is substantiated by the fact the other three horses have stood in freezing weather, cold temperatures…sleet, rain, ice, snow… instead of going under that shelter. The heat has driven them to seek relief from the sun and barn doors are kept open with fans going 90 to nothing in an attempt to keep them comfortable. In an attempt to be a good steward, I do the best I can and leave the rest to God. Only folks who live closely with animals know what I’m talking about; the rest of you lot just have to take my word.
The first week of this month I purchased hay for the horses; Mr. Johnny B. (as I think of him) is my “hay guy” and has the best hay I’ve seen since I grew it at the other farm. He’s a great guy, has a wonderful reputation in the community, is married to a lovely woman and is active in his church. Just the kind of folk I like to do business with as I don’t have to count my fingers after shaking hands (haha). Actually, last year when I bought hay from him, I pulled out the exact amount of money to pay him but, for the love of all that’s holy, could not figure it out. In my hand, the exact amount of money was ready to hand over but then my mind went blank, totally, and on top of that, I started falling apart. He pulled out his phone (calculator…ha! another phone thing I didn’t know about) to show me the math. I just shook my head and said, “Please just tell me how much I owe. I’d rather you think I’m stupid than a cheat.” That “falling apart” hasn’t happened in a long time and it took months to figure out WHY? It finally came to me…it was the anniversary of Dave’s death and while my mind didn’t associate the day, my heart and body did and reacted, or is it responded, accordingly.
Why am I still amazed? Yet, it was only last September someone told me about “cognitive/complicated grief” which is recognized, more and more, as a debilitating outcome of grief. In a nutshell, “falling apart” isn’t something one can control; one must simply ride it through to a natural end. At the time, Mr. Johnny B. was kind and when I saw him earlier this month, I explained…not because he needed/wanted an explanation but because I needed/wanted to give one. I’d rather he not think I’m kRaZy as a loon – grin. Lord knows what all his helpers and my helpers thought! Come to think of it, I don’t really want to know; probably best not to. Or is that too? Sheesh. I need to hurry along and finish…my brain is sizzling.
So, anyhoo, maybe someone reading this needs to know; if not for themselves, perhaps for someone else. Let’s face it people, it’s a frosty ole world and one thing we can do is be kind to each other.
Perhaps you’ve seen the photo of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth and me but if you haven’t, this is the intro to my vaca (as my sister called it) this month. Actually, I didn’t get home until after 7 p.m. and am fair tuckered out! I didn’t take a “vaca” last year; was too busy with…I was going to list stuff but it’s simply L.I.F.E. This year, to celebrate my 66th birthday I went to Scotland then London. Daily, at 9 a.m. I was ready to take on the trip with vim and vigor but at 9 p.m. I was ready to throw in the towel, crawl into bed and cry myself to sleep. But, all told, GREAT trip…simply GREAT! As always, I prayed for God’s favor, blessing and gift of safety, strength, the kindness of strangers, good weather, etc. and it was all mine. Everyone kept telling me, “This weather is so unusual; you’re very lucky.” My response was always, “I prayed for this weather and God blessed me with yes!” Sometimes people would look at me like…hmmm and other times they’d say, “Would you consider staying in Scotland?” Well, yes. But no.
IF you’re interested, I’ll do a post with photos and commentary but it’s all right if you’re not interested. I don’t want you to think I’m bragging unless you think I’m bragging on God…that’s fine…but it was an amazing trip…met Mags, a Belfast, Ireland blog friend and her friend, Catherine, in Edinburgh and things just kept keeping more and more wonderful!
Mags and her friend, Karen McCartney, have authored/edited #31 Blessed, “31 women discuss their thoughts on the Proverbs 31 Woman, asking if she is still relevant and what she says to us today.” All proceeds go toward Sophie McCoo’s work with UCCF (Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship), “an organisation that supports the work of Christian Unions in universities-encouraging Christian students and reaching out to those who may encounter Jesus for the first time.” One plants, one waters and God receives the harvest. You might know some of the contributors as some are bloggers.
My copy was schlepped across the pond, left with Mags to be autographed by (lots) contributors and Mags will mail to me at a later date. Mags is just nice thataway, doncha know?!
I’m reading A History of Scotland by Neil Oliver and it is fascinating! Some months ago, I found the book at a thrift store and bought it thinking, “I’ll read it sometime”. I started it before I left and am only one-third of the way into because it’s so interesting I keep making notes. It was interesting also that I felt and looked so at home in Scotland; I was among people who looked like me…Celtic, fair hair, fair skin, green eyes. In one of those “can you believe it?” items, my parents gave me names that mean “happy helper” and my surname is from Benedict meaning to serve the King.
Family oral history says my paternal line crossed the English channel from the coast of Britanny, France (northwest coast) settling first in Wales then in Ireland. The Hamrick’s, also spelled Hambrick, came to the New World, landing in Fredericksburg, VA in 1654 and set about distinguishing themselves. My 8th or 9th Great-Grandfather, Benjamin, served with George Washington; his pension application, with signature, is here. Great-Great Aunt Mayme Hamrick was a lawyer and, if not the first female, certainly among the first, to argue law before the state supreme court. I write these things not to brag but to remember; everyone deserves to be remembered.
Of course that’s not the “real” Queen but it was a funny, cute introduction. She is someone whom I tremendously admire and am pleased she speaks about her Christian faith.
That’s the short (ha!) version of catch-up; hopefully you aren’t bored. If you are, all I can say is I’m sorry and why are you still reading? (haha!)
You are blessed to be a blessing. This week, give away all your smiles, kind words, tenderness, hugs, pats on the back…be the love in someone’s life you want someone to be in yours. Cast your bread upon the waters and it will return.
Mildred says
Hi Sandra, It’s Mildred from Georgia. I found you via Ellen B’s blog just now. So nice to catch up with you. Like many others, I would love to see your vacation pics. God bless your evening.
Sandra Bennett says
Hi Mildred, welcome! God brought you and John to mind very recently so tucked y’all in prayer. God bless you.
Sarita says
I’m so envious – would love to visit Scotland! My dad was born there but I’ve never been. Maybe for my next milestone birthday!
Sandra Bennett says
Every birthday…NO, EVERY DAY is a milestone…start planning today!
Dawn says
I for one would LOVE to see some pictures and hear about your trip! I would really like to get to Europe one of these days. And, yes, grief is like that. It sneaks up when you least expect it and does crazy things to you. But our Lord is always sufficient and He brings people like your wonderful hay man just at the right time to help!
Sandra Bennett says
Next post is intro followed, shortly, by Edinburgh, Day 1.
God kept me safe, with excellent weather even though I was prepared for the “usual” UK weather…smile.
Nikki says
I am glad you couldn’t figure out what to write and just started writing! You totally held my interest with the horses and the hay man and then your trip…. yes please to writing about your trip… it may be as close as I ever come to Scotland.
🙂 gwingal
Sandra Bennett says
Sometimes those stream of consciousness posts come out just right, eh?!
Maybe something of my trip will encourage you to plan your own trip to Scotland…ya never know!
Linda Carlson says
Sounds like a beautiful trip.. would love to see photos..
Sandra Bennett says
And so it was and so you shall; thanks!
Lisa Richards says
Glad you had a great time and great weather! I know you try hard to care for your animals, and sometimes all you can do is your best. Now rest up from your vacation! 🙂
Sandra Bennett says
I’m trying to rest up but…that’s not working out so well. I keep trying though…or, as Dave added one time, “You certainly are!”
Robbin says
Oh YES we want the pictures and the details of the trip. My great-great-great grandfather Alexander Graham left Scotland in 1856 and moved our family to Missouri. He and his wife, and his son and daughter-in-law (my great great grandparents) are buried less than a mile from my house. I love all things Scotland, so PLEASE post about your trip. I would so enjoy hearing about “my homeland” as I affectionately refer to it. Blessings to you dear lady! God is good!!
Sandra Bennett says
Robbin, it’s marvelous you have such close ties! My Irish/Welsh, perhaps Scottish but we’re not sure perxactly, go back hundreds of years so much is oral history only. Yes, to posting more…next post is intro followed by Edinburgh, Day 1.
All the time, God is good.
Marsha Scott says
Of course, I want to hear the story of the Queen & you !!!
I mean, seriously, HOW could anything be more important ???
Bless the horses, take good care of them, my friend. You are the shepherdess sent by our Lord to look after them, and the other warm-blooded creatures around you. We must nurture and protect all of them.
Love love love,
Sandra Bennett says
Marsha, there’s a “real” English tea room, Rosewood, in the next county. The butler is from London, married a local woman and moved here to open the tea room and in thelondonshoemaker.com he makes bespoke shoes for gentlemen. In Rosewood, there’s a cutout of Queen E and it’s that cutout I’m standing next to so impertinently.
Mary says
Yes, post pictures! Sounds so exciting!
MaryLou says
Please, I love to travel in my armchair.
Sandra Bennett says
Okay! Next post is intro then, shortly, followed by Edinburgh, Day 1.
ellen b. says
I would enjoy hearing about your trip to Scotland. We’re hoping to be able to take at least one more trip to the Isles before we’re too old. Grief is complicated for sure. God bless you with peace throughout. We have a little parcel of land compared to your farm and we are a bit overwhelmed at the work Spring has brought to our doorstep. 🙂 Hope you have a good week.
Sandra Bennett says
You wish is my command, Ellen! /smile/ Farm work taught me to work six days a week, take a mini vaca on the seventh day and the work is never finished. I just reach a stopping point then stop. Work will be here longer than I will so I do my best to be a good steward and call on God’s help daily. Many times daily. So far, He’s not tired of hearing from me…grin.
GretchenJoanna says
I’d love to see some travelogue with pictures and hear you bragging more on the gifts of God 🙂
FlowerLady says
I’d love to see/read about your trip to Scotland.
Personally, I believe we won’t be through with grieving until we are with Jesus and our loved ones once again. For now, we take each day as it comes, trusting in Jesus to be our strength when we are weak and to be our Comforter.
Love, hugs & prayers for you dear Sandra ~ FlowerLady
Sandra Bennett says
Wise words, Rainey. Thank you.
Sandra Bennett says
Coming up Gretchen; next post is intro followed, shortly, by Edinburgh, Day 1. Bragging on God is just about my favorite thing to do!