“The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” ~ Psalm 90:10 ~
Canon J John Church of England, is my favorite preacher; he’s an evangelist, author and speaker in the United Kingdom and travels the world telling the Good News. If you go to Youtube and type in Canon J John, you’ll hear many of his stories and the above link is an interview by his son Michael John.
All his stories move me, greatly, but one in particular hit me between the eyes. I’ll tell in my words, from my view; when you read, you do the same.
In the Bible, in Psalms, we’re told we have a lifespan of three score and ten which is 70 years. To put that into more easily understandable language, assign 10 years to Monday, 10 years to Tuesday, 10 years to Wednesday, 10 years to Thursday, 10 years to Friday, 10 years to Saturday and 10 years to Sunday.
Some people have 70 years, others don’t have 70 minutes while some, like Daddy, have three score and ten with, thus far, another score (20 years). As for me, it’s Saturday night and that’s a very sobering thought.
J John says, “It’s Saturday night for me and Sunday is quickly approaching. The time is short; what am I doing for Jesus? Am I telling people about Him and how they can spend eternity in Heaven? My time is short.”
What day is it for you?
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” ~ 2 Corinthians 4:16 ~
Prayer requests ~ a gentleman in NC whose wife died yesterday; please pray for him, the family, the pastor, friends ~ Gina ~
I guess that puts me somewhere around Friday evening, although most women in our family are given much more than their allotted threescore and ten (grandmas were 83 and 94) and great-grandmas were in their 90’s. We’ve been very blessed that way. But whether I live to 95 or die tomorrow, I’m so thankful I’ll be meeting my Heavenly Father when I do!
Dawn, AMEN!
As the days go by, it sure begins to hit home just exactly what was being said in Psalms 90. Time moves quickly.
🙂 gwingal
Nikki, “time flies but you’re the pilot”. -grin
Well that an interesting way of looking at it! Not much left in the week for me! But, maybe I’ll be like your Dad and go into a 2nd week . What a blessing to still have him with you?
2 Corinthians 4:16 is one of my favorites. Maybe because it’s Saturday for me, too!
Lisa, that verse puts life into perspective, doesn’t it?
Amen, wonderful and sobering to accept this truth
Rebekah, truly sobering!
I certainly did not know that the years were counted as so. I’m glad your dad have had such a long life and I wish him many more. Be blessed!
Vanessa, it’s the first time I’ve heard of years compared to a week…sobering thought!
What a great blessing to have your father with you to “a ripe old age.” Glory to God!
Gretchen, to have both Daddy and Mom is a great blessing. My sister and I visit them each week…she cleans and I take food.
Your dad looks great at 90+, Wow! It’s good to ask ourselves what are we doing with the years that God is giving us.
Ellen, he really does look great! I’m sorry to say I’ve wasted some of my years but God is a God of promises and says He’ll restore the years the locust has eaten.
I guess your father is used to people being amazed at his age as he most definitely does not look it!
I’ve not heard of Canon J John but will visit the link to listen to him. I am thankful to have been given more than the three score and ten. So many of my schoolmates have already gone. Each day here with family is a gift but I admit to the reality of time growing short being sometimes on my mind.
Dewena, people are amazed to find out Daddy is 90+; he’ll be 91 late summer. I hope you’ve had a chance to listen to J John; it’s well worth your time!
Your dad looks great for being 90+. I will be three score and 10 on the first day of spring this year. Where has the time gone? I pray to be a good steward as I try to age gracefully trusting in Jesus for everything I need. I also pray that I am a light to others of Jesus love and tender mercies.
Have a great week Sandra ~ FlowerLady
Rainey, Daddy still gets around rather well although he does gimp a bit. Time: it flies faster than a weaver’s shuttle as the Psalmist wrote. “Time flies but you’re the pilot.”
It is Friday. And the Lord has been gracious and merciful to me thru our recent troubles. I will pray for the grieving gentleman.