This week, hallelujah! it’s been warm enough to have my first meal on the deck overlooking the pond lake pond lake…whichever it is. You decide. Grilled salmon with honey sauce and roasted asparagus with EVOO, S&P and the gifted flowers which brighten up the table immensely.
Ste Chateau Michelle 2009 Riesling was the wine and thoroughly enjoyable. I’m not a fan of sweestish wines, unless dessert wine, but I did enjoy this. Heck, I enjoyed it all two nights in a row. Some years ago, I served Dave supper (we’re Old School) and he commented on how good it was and how much he enjoyed it. I said, “That’s great because when you see it again tomorrow night, please act surprised.” Some meals are simply too good to eat only once.
All sorts of beasties kept me company; above is Pixie, she of Pixie and the Inkspots, born of Ole Bones whom you met last post. The cats give me heart palpitations each time they walk along the ledge. Said ledge is, at the shortest, perhaps seven or eight feet above the ground and, at the most, somewhere between fifteen and twenty feet above the concrete apron leading into the garage. I’ll be SO glad when the deck is screened and they are no longer able to sashay on the ledge.
Sam P. Spade, Secret Angel Agent with Inky 1 and Inky 2, of the aforementioned Inkspots. The Inkspots are entirely black, as is Smudge Moonbeam (an elder kinsman) with not a hair of difference between the Inkspots. Smudge might have one or three white hairs but not more.
My first spring on this farm and I’m seeing all sorts of lovelies coming into bloom. I haven’t a clue what this is but it is extremely pretty…and I’m usually no pink fan.
In the powder room, gazing upon the semi-bird cage is my Knight in Shining Armor. I haven’t a clue who this is supposed to be but it’s quite old…guessing 1930’s…? He’s hung on every wall of every place I’ve ever lived, a reminder of all the good in the world and, to my way of believing, God always triumphs (because His ways are not our ways…)
The “semi-bird cage” has Bible verses written on index cards which are trimmed with scissors cutting a pretty border. Anyone who visits is invited to add a verse and the goods to work with are in this
little egg basket, hand crafted by my Mom’s Mother some 40 years ago. The milk stool belong to Aunt Bonnie, Dad’s oldest sister and the same who taught me how to churn and instilled in me a love of farming, tending to animals, etc. One Christmas season Grandma asked me, “What do you want for Christmas?” I asked for one of her hand made baskets. She said, “That’s not enough. What else do you want?” I replied, “Two of your hand made baskets.” That Christmas she gave me two baskets and a “Christmas” sweater which has gone the way of all flesh but those two baskets are still in service and Grandma is thought of with love every time my eyes rest upon either basket.
Yes, the scales do work; much to the dismay of folks who use them. (I can usually hear the screams of “OH NO! That CAN’T be right! ~LOL~)
Also in the powder room is this ancient bowl and dish. Memory denies me the pleasure of where or when the bowl was purchased…or did someone give it to me…? It’s been carried with me for donkey’s years and when I moved here, the dish under was being used on the back deck, holding cat food. Well. thrift stores are full of perfectly useful cat food dishes so I married my bowl and the cat’s dish, bringing both inside and put into service as a soap dish. It brings me enormous pleasure every time I go into the powder room…small things can be SO joyful, can’t they?
Whilst on the deck, one can look up at the second floor windows which is where Mellow likes to live. He’s a rescue (What? No gasps of surprise?! haha) who has been with me for a week today. Beloved Sistah’s neighbor moved, leaving all her cats, including (Marsh) Mellow (the first part of his name was dropped Post Haste!) to fend for themselves (yeah, don’t get me started). Mellow had been de-clawed and was supposed to be an inside cat but… grrrr. Anyway, when Beloved Sistah would go out of town, I’d drive 60 miles, round trip, to feed the felines (and glad to do it!) and we’d decided I was going to bring Mellow home with me as he was already gentled. (After all, when there are so many to feed, what’s one more, eh? However, at this point, I have stopped all rescue…all I’m saying…ALL!). Wouldn’t you know it!? The woman who’d abandoned the cats had the County Animal Control Officer go get three…leaving, at least, three more, one who is extremely old, eighteen or older and blind in one eye! Beloved Sistah told me, we talked about it and I said, “I cannot leave that cat in the shelter to be destroyed. I just can’t. Mellow is a loving boy with a gentle, sweet disposition and acclimated to the household in two or three days. Five days into the household, Mellow and Sam were touching noses, getting acquainted and, once again, all seems to be well with our little world at Thistle Cove Farm. (Now, about the old boy, blind in one eye…yes, we’re working on him…)
And, as on the back of my farm sign says…Y’all come back soon, ya hear!
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Your print is of Sir Galahad ~ George Frederick Watts, 1860-62. I also have a copy of this & John Keates les belle dame son merci. Just small ones I keep on my desk.
I do like this style.
Our cats are rescues also. Part ragdoll. Big & smoochy.
I think you will find that the beautiful pink bush is a flowering almond. I love your new home and how happy you are to be there. You sound so much more relaxed and enjoying life.
He is Risen!
Pat, thank you. I know it's beautiful and yes, I am HaPpY! Recently spoke with a afriend who said, "You sound like the old Sandra and I love it!" I knew I was lower than whale manure (as Dave would "almost" have put it) but didn't realize I was *that* low! So glad to be among the happy, thank God!
The little soap dish set is just perfect. It's good to keep that soap out of its murky water. Just right. So glad you are giving those kitties a safe, loving home. All animals should have such. Sounds like you and yours are settling in well!
I despise soft, icky soap and since I use hand made soap…true soap, not beauty bars or detergent, it's especially important to keep the bar from sitting in water. Lye soap was the only thing that helped Dave's chilblans.
Those puffy pink blossoms are really PINK! I think they are screaming, "Spring!"
And I'm so happy that you have your critters with you. HAPPY EASTER!! Christ is risen!
smile…you are right…screaming SPRING!
Blessed Resurrection and Happy Easter; HE IS RISEN INDEED!
Dear Sandra, this is such a fine Easter-tale of your hidden AND open praise the Lord! Your animals are a real good company and also the picture with the memory of the Lord's victim in ALL situations of life! THANK YOU reminding me. too! The soft red flowers on your place is magnificent. The Lord is the victim, wonderful post, greetings and blessings from the Bavarian Forest
Blessed Resurrection and Happy Easter Dori! You're welcome, we're to help each other, right?! Be safe and well, winter is leaving, spring is coming, God's in His heaven and all's right with His world. xoxo
Happy Easter, Sandra!
I hope spring continues to be wonderful on your new farm.
It sounds like you're feeling at home!
It's been a good move, Karen; still working out the kinks, unpacking boxes but, all in all, it's been a really good move.
I love hearing about your animals. Mellow has the perfect seat, don't you think? Have a lovely day, my precious friend.
Marsha, thank you! Yes, it could, perhaps, be said Mellow is sitting in the catbird seat. He's a sweet addition and is even touching noses with Sam. Sadie is a tad BIG and Mellow hasn't ventured that close…yet.
Screening for the deck will be a good ‘dea
and help your heart for sure.
Happy Easter my friend . . .
Happy Easter and Blessed Resurrection, Lynn!
P. S. Lynne, been meaning to ask…do you have comments turned off on your blog? It's been ages since I could comment.
Sandra, your sentimental keepsakes, put to practical use, has given me an idea for my mother's "pork chop" plate. For many years, it has been mounted in a plexiglass box as an example at my frame shop. Today, it's going to be dismantled and used as Izzy's dinner plate!
Cheryl – that's great news! I'd rather lose it (whatever it is) while using it as opposed to dusting it. Izzy will be pleased.
Oh dear Sandra ~ what a lovely view you have.
Love your bits and pieces with the stories behind them.
And, what a huge and loving heart you have to take in more sweeties who need a good home.
Have a lovely Easter day ~ Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady
Hi Rainey – I do love living here, it's been wonderful. On the front porch are 2 beagles, Pee Wee and his mother, Daisy. The come for supper, spend the night, eat breakfast and leave. Unfortunately their owner isn't a good one and if I could make them stay here, I would. Happy Easter…HE IS RISEN!
Well, you may not know this but Chateau Ste Michelle is about 5 miles from my home. 🙂
Glad you are enjoying Spring on your farm. A very Happy Easter to you!
WOW! I didn't realize it was a CA wine…never looked that closely at the bottle but I smile knowing it's close to you. Yes to enjoying the farm…yes, yes, YES!
What a joy to discover what is growing at your new home. I think your pink shrub is a Flowering Almond. They are one of my favorites.
Flowering Almond…E said it might be cherry tree…I'll do some research and, hopefully, find out. Thanks!
I actually saw, from a distance, some flowering almonds. Dave and I were descending the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, coming out of a blizzard (!) and into the valley where almond trees were in blossom. It was absolutely amazing!
Ahhh…..the pond lake. What a treasure. Screening in the deck? Genius! The abandoned cats – how that grieves me…. How come people think cats can fend for themselves??
I sure do love reading your posts!
Carol, how in the world have you been!? Did you start Covenant Farm blog? I'd love to visit and thank you for visiting me.
Now, about UgLy people…grrrrrr!
Your lovely pink blossoms…maybe a Prunus (cherry), tree?
Hmmmm. Could very well be! I'll check and thank you.
Screening in the deck is a wonderful idea. Your dinner looks delicious. Have a blessed Easter!
and a blessed Easter to you and yours, Debby!