“Want to snatch a day from the manacles of boredom? Do overgenerous deeds, acts beyond reimbursement. Kindness without compensation. Do a deed for which you cannot be repaid.”
~ Max Lucado ~
“Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.” ~ Og Mandino ~
“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.” ~ Albert Schweitzer ~
“Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning.” ~ Frederick W. Faber ~
“Let us hide our pains and sorrows. But, while we hide them, let them also be spurs within us to urge us on to all manner of overflowing kindness and sunny humor to those around us. When the very darkness within us creates a sunshine around us, then has the spirit of Jesus taken possession of our souls.” ~ Frederick W. Faber ~
“No matter how low down you are; no matter what your disposition has been; you may be low in your thoughts, words, and actions; you may be selfish; your heart may be overflowing with corruption and wickedness; yet Jesus will have compassion upon you. He will speak comforting words to you; not treat you coldly or spurn you, as perhaps those of earth would, but will speak tender words, and words of love and affection and kindness. Just come at once. He is a faithful friend – a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” ~ D. L. Moody ~
Please pray for ~ Stephanie ~ Rose ~ Jim ~ Dewena ~ Laura ~ JP ~ Maxine ~ the Roberts ~ Diana and her Hero ~ President Trump and other leaders ~ Sandra ~
Sandra, all of the quotes are so helpful and appropriate as they always are to the theme of each Sabbath. But I have to tell you that your very life expresses the kindness that your theme is about. I have never met you in person but your emails to me since I've "met" you are just plain downright kindness itself. I want to be more like you when I grow up.
"Just come at once," Mr. Moody says. YES!
Thank you, Sandra <3
Always thankful for you…
Thank you very much for this inspiration and reminder! Great collection!
My father was a friendly man, even near death. He never fixed his own problems, always being kind and empathic.
I want to learn from these quotes and move them in my heart and mind, going my pilgrim-way….
Excellent quotes and reminders of just how life changing kindness can be. Thanks! 🙂
I keep a document on my computer desktop where I copy and paste good quotes that I come across online. I've often copied your entire Sabbath Keeping post. I think this one is worthy of saving…so I will. 😉
Kindness holds it all . . .
Let me not fail to keep it paramount in my mantra . . .
A smile, a hand, a word, presence, help, never too busy, the extra, a note card, remembering, caring, holds kindness most high.
It is possible for each of us . . .
Thank you Sandra this was a wonderful Sabbath Keeping . . ,
All beautiful!
Thank you dear Sandra for putting these all together to bless & encourage others.
Have a lovely week ~ FlowerLady