Dear President Elect Trump:
“We have been assured, sir, in the sacred writings, that ‘except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it.’ I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel; we shall be divided by our little partial, local interests, our projects will be confounded and we ourselves shall become a reproach and a byword down to future ages. And, what is worse, mankind shall hereafter, from this unfortunately instance, despair of establishing government by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war, or conquest.” ~ Benjamin Franklin ~
People have put their trust in you; please, let it not be misplaced. No one knows your heart except you and God but know this…you and yours have been tucked in prayer and we will continue to pray for you. We want a country united, not divided. We want a President that puts the needs of her citizens first, and then helps the world, We want to be able to pray to the Lord God Jehovah when and were we want. We want a strong America, strong businesses, strong military, a health care and education system that actually work, and, according to the Constitution of the USA, a federal government that provides unity, justice, domestic tranquility, defense, promotion of the general welfare of the citizens and secures liberty for all.
Sir: you have been elected as our Leader and not our master. God bless you as you navigate the days ahead. Surround yourself with Godly men and women who will, prayerfully, consider how this country should be governed and then move forward in a positive direction. On your own, you have done well; with God, you will do better.
May you first seek God Almighty’s guidance; may He bless you, yours and the work of your hands and heart.
“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” ~ Benjamin Franklin ~
Donald Trump is the biggest lier that ever walked this earth and we're seeing that in action now as he back tracks on everything he promised to do during the campaign.
Amen and Amen and Amen!!!!! xo Diana
Actually ladies the majority of Americans voted for Hillary Clinton. She won the popular vote, she won't the majority. Those who did vote for her just live in the wrong zip code.
Sandra, what a perfect response. Such a world.
Amen….praying for our country.
America has spoken. God bless President Elect Donald Trump and may he do everything on his list to make our Country Great Again. Hugs, lJ
And you say you're not religous 🙂 May I be very wrong about Mr. Trump – may he surprise the other half of us and truly bring this nation together and be a President for All. That's my Amen.
So this is where the racist hate mongers hang out. You will regret your vote. Just wait if you this this man is going to change things for the better.
I am not protesting because Hillary Clinton lost. I'm protesting agains the racism, bigotry, nativism, xenophobia, and misogyny that that man will disgrace the office of the presidency and White House with. I do not stand for nor will I ever support those vile hateful attitudes. I am sad for you women. Your vile kind of hate and overt racism is what is so unforgivable. Leave Karen alone she is entitled to her opinions and feelings without your guilt tripping her because she does not take your racist hate and vile position on the state of this election.
You are no friend if you can send her that kind of message.
Amen! 🙂
Well done….Amen!
Well said indeed! Amen!
Thank you so much for this, Sandra. It expresses what's in my heart too. While happy about this I fight butterflies in my stomach too, "Can he, will he govern wisely?" Only history will tell but in the meantime he and our country need our fervent prayers.
Coming together, yes. Doing the work you were sent to Washington to do, yes indeed! There was a clear message sent on Voting Day.
Amen. I hope that once the dust settles that we can all come together in this country and work to make changes, for the better. Jobs, healthcare, help for the vets and more.
My sentiments exactly.
"…for such a time as this."
well said.
Amen, amen, amen.
Amen Sandra .. I couldn't agree more with you. Praying for him, his family and our nation. I believe our dear Lord has given this nation one more chance .. May our nation turn back to him and bow at their knees and ask forgiveness for the sin that is abounding. You should email this to Mr. Trump… I think it's something he would find very meaningful.
Blessings sweet blog friend !
This letter is excellent!
Best wishes and blessings for your country and good work together with Europe and the world. Prosperity and peace for all!
He didn't get my vote, but we will certainly have my prayers. ♥
Well put!
Amen- that is beautifully put. xoDiana
excellent post-can I share? thanks Kathy
I prayed on bended knees for God's will to be done! I am excited and happy with the results. I will continue to pray for God to guide President-Elect Donald J. Trump.
Powerful letter Sandra. We must continue to pray for Trump and his family's protection, for wisdom as he faces the challenging task at hand in the coming months and years and a restoration of our country to those beliefs it was founded on-namely In God We Trust. We must not neglect our duty to lift him up in prayer, now and in the future.
Amen! Very well said.
God Bless America and God please bless our President-Elect Donald J. Trump.
As always, your thinking and mine are absolutely in tune. The Lord guided this man, Donald Trump, to rise to the occasion and seek office to be our President. I truly believe this. Especially at this time. Please see what I wrote. I love you SO much!! God Blessed Us !!! Congratulations to President-Elect Donald J. Trump. the President for all of US.