“The wound is the place where the the Light enters you.” ~ Rumi ~
“Problems are not stop signs, they are guide lines.” ~ Robert Schuller ~
“We are certainly in a common class with the beasts; every action of animal life is concerned with seeking bodily pleasure and avoiding pain.” ~ Augustine of Hippo ~
“We all know people who have been made much meaner and more irritable and more intolerable to live with by suffering: it is not right to say that all suffering perfects. It only perfects one type of person – the one who accepts the call of God in Christ Jesus.” ~ Oswald Chambers ~
“This is one of the sad conditions of life; that experience is not transmissible. No man will learn from the suffering of another; he must suffer himself.” ~ James H. Aughey ~
“When you suffer and lose, that does not mean you are being disobedient to God, In fact, it might mean you’re right in the center of His will. The path of obedience is often marked by times of suffering and loss.” ~ Chuck Swindoll ~
“I am certain that I never did grow in grace one-half so much anywhere
as I have upon the bed of pain.” ~ Charles Spurgeon ~
“When you become consumed by God’s call on your life, everything will take on new meaning and significance. You will begin to see every facet of your life – including your pain – as a means through which God can work to bring others to Himself.” ~ Charles Stanley ~
“Pain is a kindly, hopeful thing, a certain proof of life, a clear assurance that all is not yet over, that there is still a chance. But if your heart has no pain – well, that may betoken health, as you suppose: but are you certain that it does not mean that your soul is dead?” ~ A. J. Gossip ~
Please pray for ~ law enforcement ~ Nice, France ~ Anita ~ Quinn ~ Jim ~ Steve ~ KB in CO ~ Gina ~ Nancy ~ Sandra ~
Lisa Richards says
Amen! Thanks, Sandra.
dori says
Stille, mein Wille! Dein Jesus hilft siegen;
Trage geduldig das Leiden, die Not;
Gott ist's, der alles zum besten will fügen,
Der dir getreu bleibt in Schmerzen und Tod.
Stille, mein Wille! Dein Jesus wird machen
Glücklichen Ausgang bedenklicher Sachen.
2. Stille, mein Wille! Der Herr hat's in Händen;
Hält sich dein Herz nur im Glauben an ihn,
Wird er den Kummer bald wenden und enden;
Herrlich wird endlich, was wunderbar schien.
Stille, mein Wille! Dein Heiland wird zeigen,
Wie vor ihm Meer und Gewitter muß schweigen.
4. Stille, mein Wille! Wenn Freunde sich trennen,
Die du so zärtlich und innig geliebt,
Wirst du die Freundschaft des Höchsten erkennen,
Der sich zum Eigentum treulich dir gibt.
Stille, mein Wille! Dein Jesus ersetzet,
Was dich beim Sterben der Liebsten verletzet.
5. Stille, mein wille! Es kommen die Stunden,
Daß wir beim Herrn sind ohn' Wechsel der Zeit;
Dann ist das Scheiden, der Kummer verschwunden,
Ewige Freundschaft vergütet das Leid.
Stille, mein Wille! Nach zeitlichem Scheiden
Sehn wir uns wieder ohn' Schmerzen und Leiden.
Katharina von Schlegel
Rho im yr hedd, na wyr y byd amdano.
Hedd, nefol hedd, ddaeth trwy unfurdrol loes,
Pam fyddror don ur feniad gwan yn curo,
Maen dawel gydar Iesu wrth y groes.
Pam fyddor don ar fenaid gwan yn curo,
Maen dawel gydar Iesu wrth y groes.
2. O! am yr hedd, syn llifo megis afon.
Trwy ddina Duw, dan gangaur bywiol bren;
Hedd, wedir loes, I dyrfar pererinion;
Heb gwmwl byth na nostu hwnt ir llen.
Hedd, wedir loes, I dyrfar pererinion;
|: Heb gwmwl byth na nostu hwnt ir llen, 😐 Amen, Amen.
dori says
Wonderful collection again, dear Sandra, sent by the Lord to give spiritual thoughts and advised to many readers!
GretchenJoanna says
God bless you, Dear Friend. Thank you for sharing the Light here, for yourself and for all of us. The sign at the top is a great truth in itself… All the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus. We live in the Blessed Hope together. <3
Pom Pom says
Prayers for you and yours, Sandra. Nancy, too.
Nancy McCarroll says
Reading this morning, ice pack under my arm on hurting rib, I was taken with the second quotation immediately when Schlegel writes that "the Lord is on my side" and literally ATmy side and IN my side. The quotes about suffering are good. Thank you again,Sandra. Keep me on your prayer list, please, as I am praying for you.