“Be not troubled; for it troubles abound, and there be tossing, and storms, and tempests, and no peace, nor anything visible left to support; yet, lie still, and sink beneath, till a secret hope stir, which will stay the heart in the midst of all these; until the Lord administer comfort, who knows how and what relief to give to the weary traveler, that knows not where it is, nor which way to look, nor where to expect a path.”
~ I. Penington ~
“The really important kind of freedom involves attention, and awareness, and discipline, and effort, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in myriad petty little unsexy ways, every day.” ~ David Foster Wallace ~
“In times of grief and sorrow I will hold you and rock you and take your grief and make it my own. When you cry I cry and when you hurt I hurt. And together we will try to hold back the floods to tears and despair and make it through the potholed street of life.”
~ Corrie ten Boom ~
“There are days when my heart is troubled, and just being in the Lord’s presence and thinking about his love for me fills me with an inexplicable peace and joy.”
~ Joseph Prince ~
“A bend in the road is not the end of the road…unless you fail to make the turn. ~ unknown ~
“If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience.” ~ Robert Fulghum ~
“Most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled with great ambitions.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~
“Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.” ~ Arthur Golden ~
“In these troubled times we live in, we should remain vigilant, and see through populist arguments.”
~ King Albert II ~
“More people are troubled by what is plain in Scripture than what is obscure.” ~ Roy L. Smith ~
If you have a prayer request, please send a private message.
Prayer Keeping ~ Jim ~ Rainey ~ Diana’s hero ~ Kimberly ~ people out of work ~
Deanna says
i laughed when i saw your little friend with the pumpkin head…out loud.
La Petite Gallery says
Merry Christmas, it's like a summer day in Maine, so weird. We have broken records here.
Sending a hug to you Sandra. Yvonne
annie says
enjoyed very much, hope your December is just lovely, colder weather coming this weekend.
Pom Pom says
Hi Sandra! I hope you are doing well.
kathyinozarks says
good quotes for our world today
Nancy McCarroll says
I always love your quotes. Can't imagine where you find them all. If ever I need to put something under a picture I've painted, I just go to your blog. Blessings. Nancy
CelestinaMarie@SouthernDayDreams says
Hi Sandra, Always enjoy your quotes of wisdom and biblical verses. A great way to begin a new week.
Love to you my friend for a beautiful week. xo
FlowerLady Lorraine says
Dear Sandra ~ What a great compilation of thoughts to ponder.
Thank you for putting them together, and for continued prayers.
Love, hugs & prayers for you ~ FlowerLady
Lynne says
Sabbath Keeping arrives to me on Monday morning in my email box.
It becomes my Monday Reflection . . .
Food . . .
Corrie ten Boom
magsmcc says
That hill to the right of Mr Pumpkin looks just like Slemish, where Patrick tended sheep hungry and cold through too many winters, before God told him it was time to be getting back home x
Leigh says
This is the kind of thing we should be hearing more often. I've met too many folks who think that if life isn't a bed of roses, then God has abandoned them or they've done something wrong. This life as we know it is simply the training ground for a greater purpose and a greater glory on the other side.
KathyB. says
Goodness, we're thinking alike. I spent awhile reminding myself of the very things you've posted quotes on, and posted a few myself. These times do call for our prayers, and for god to give us hearts and courage to stand firm in Him ! Blessings Sandra.