Folks visiting my blog and leaving contact information have a random chance of winning either Living Beautifully Together: How to Live Graciously in a Hectic World by Finding Time to Love Your Family, Your Friends and Yourself OR Creating a Beautiful Home: From Starting Fresh to Freshening Up-Creative Ideas to Help You Turn Your House into a Warm and Welcoming Home both by one of my absolute favorite authors…Alexandra Stoddard. (Please visit her website for more information…no photos possible today, remember?) Mrs. Stoddard has been a favorite author for decades and last March, I wrote her to say. She replied and we exchanged notes that are now tucked into a copy of one of her many books I own. In writing this post, I only now realize her husband of 40 years, Peter Magaree Brown, passed away in September and Brandon Stoddard, her first husband and father to their two daughters, passed away in December. That is so much sadness in a short time and my heart breaks for all of them. A. B. Stoddard, her oldest daughter, is a political journalist and writes for The Hill newspaper and is frequently seen reporting on television.
Mrs. Stoddard had a great influence on my life and, yearly, I re-read more than a few of her books. Yes, there are lots of great books “out there” but I tend to stick to favorites for there’s always something new to learn.
For those not in the USA you have a random chance of winning a bookmark from Dublin’s Trinity College‘s Book of Kells.
This weekend I plan to visit the county library and catch up…er, visit your blogs and leave comments. I feel like I’m on the edge of the universe, watching as the parade passes by. Do you ever have those days?
Be well and happy and know when God brings you to mind, you’re tucked into prayer.
Blessings ~ Alexandra Stoddard ~ Peter Magaree Brown ~ Mrs. Stoddard’s many, many beautiful, fine and interesting books ~ GYBP 2015 ~ and you ~
M.K. says
Hey Sandra – Sorry about the computer issues! It's hard when you have to visit the library. I do often have those days when I feel like the blogging world is passing me by — when I've forgotten to post for quite a few days, and didn't even realize it. Sometimes blogging wears you out 🙂 Blessings to you!
Vicki Boster says
Sandra– you are sharing some wonderful gifts with your readers– thank you for your generosity.
I'm sorry your computer woes continue- that must be SO frustrating. I hope you can get it all resolved soon.
Marsha Splenderosa says
I do hope you are not frozen.
Sending love to you, darling Sandra.
Anita Johnson says
I had forgotten all about Alexandra Stoddard. I used to love her books! I too love that she wrote back to you! I hope you get connected to blogland again soon. It is part of my day…comforting. Last year when my computer crashed I really did feel a loss.
Deborah Montgomery says
I never knew A.B Stoddard was related to her! I am a fan of Alexandra Stoddard, too. Sad that her husband died; she seemed very much in love with him.
So cool that she wrote back to you.
Dewena says
I already own every book Alexandra Stoddard has written so am not entering the contest but just had to say that she had a tremendous influence on me too, life changing. I still keep her books out in my bedroom and rotate through them, finding inspiration over and over.
Does anyone remember when she used to host a show on HGTV? Back in the good old days? Such a gracious lady!
Judy Goddard says
Well now! I guess I'll have to check Mrs. Stoddard out! (Especially since her name rhymes with mine!)
I know I visited from Vickie's party. I don't quite remember if I entered the contest. I did enter other's.
I look forward to reading them, either way.
God bless!
FlowerLady Lorraine says
I also have enjoyed Alexandra Stoddard's books, checked out from the library. I would love to be the winner of the book "Creating a Beautiful Home: From Starting Fresh to Freshening Up-Creative Ideas to Help You Turn Your House into a Warm and Welcoming Home". Who knows, maybe I will be the winner. 🙂 One can hope, if not, I'll see if I can find it at the library. I just checked Amazon and they do NOT have it there.
I am really sorry for her double loss in such a short period of time.
May you have a lovely weekend dear Sandra ~ FlowerLady
annie says
I have read several of her books through the years. Used to be when I subscribed to Victoria magazine, I would see her articles there too. Hope you get your server problems resolved. Sure is cold tonight,. brr blessings down on the farm!
Lottie says
Alexandra Stoddard had a great influence on me too! When I changed computers last winter and had to relearn everything I felt as you do like I'm missing all of blogland!