I hope you're well in spite of the weather . I have discovered computer problems, after I've exhausted myself trying to remedy them , are actually freeing. They give me respite from feeling I must always be available and always having to respond to e-mail, etc. For awhile anyway. ( I love being available most of the time, but sometimes it is nice to know I am truly unable to receive or send communications )Somehow, the brief times I have no access to such modern conveniences allows me to adjust my perspective away from technology and back to the things in my life that are of value no matter what outer circumstances dictate. ( does this even make sense to you ? )
Yikes, that's a lot of rain for one day! Hope your buildings are on high ground. Muddy and messy here after a night and day of pouring rain, but today the sun is shining and there's a breeze, so I'm hoping things will dry out a little. Hope you are having the same kind of weather there!
Please send the rain here! We only got a smidgen. Y'all have all the fun. *giggle* Sorry about the computer problems. Now you know why I have three … ya just never know when the computer gremlins will strike … ~:)
Thank you for visiting Thistle Cove Farm; may God bless you, yours and the work of your hands and heart. My goal is to respond, here, to your comments although it may take a while. Anonymous comments negative, rude or detrimental in nature will be removed.
KathyB. says
I hope you're well in spite of the weather . I have discovered computer problems, after I've exhausted myself trying to remedy them , are actually freeing. They give me respite from feeling I must always be available and always having to respond to e-mail, etc. For awhile anyway. ( I love being available most of the time, but sometimes it is nice to know I am truly unable to receive or send communications )Somehow, the brief times I have no access to such modern conveniences allows me to adjust my perspective away from technology and back to the things in my life that are of value no matter what outer circumstances dictate. ( does this even make sense to you ? )
Blessings to you Sandra, and prayers.
Tara Dillard says
Do you have good prayers for livestock? Our stewardship, and their lives?
Praying for commercial livestock operations…any poems, scripture…?
Googled 1st but results were miserable.
We are having incredible beautiful fall weather. Beyond perfect, like a movie set of perfect.
Thanks in advance.
Garden & Be Well, XOT
Quinn says
Yikes, that's a lot of rain for one day! Hope your buildings are on high ground.
Muddy and messy here after a night and day of pouring rain, but today the sun is shining and there's a breeze, so I'm hoping things will dry out a little. Hope you are having the same kind of weather there!
Nancy McCarroll says
Hope your day is a better one today. Hugs.
FlowerLady Lorraine says
Dear Sandra ~ Oh no, isolation because of flooding, not snow. I hope and pray the waters recede soon so that you can get out and about.
Love, hugs and prayers ~ FloweLady
Debby@Just Breathe says
Sorry about that. Stay safe!
dori says
Prayers for you! Hope all animals are in good shelter, and you, too!!! Hope to hear soon from you better news! The weather is playing crazy!
Sparky says
Please send the rain here! We only got a smidgen. Y'all have all the fun. *giggle*
Sorry about the computer problems. Now you know why I have three … ya just never know when the computer gremlins will strike … ~:)
Lisa Richards says
Hope things dry up soon! 🙂
Pom Pom says
Yikes! Stay cozy, SB! Stay safe!
Constance says
Hope the flood waters have receded and you can leave the farm. Feeling trapped isn't fun, to put it mildly.
We could use some of your rain over here!
Tombstone Livestock says
Could you send me some of that rain, pretty please. Beautiful header picture.
Lynn says
oh shoot we've just been through all that, good luck and hope it all clears up FAST!
Donna says
It has been soggy in east TN too. I hope it gets better for you soon!
M.K. says
Bummer! Sorry about the foul weather. We had deluges yesterday too. I hope you're back online soon.