“Some people’s blameless lives are to blame for a good deal.” ~ Dorothy Sayers ~
“We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers – but never blame yourself. It’s never your fault. But it’s always your fault because if you wanted to change, you’re the one who has got to change.” ~ Katherine Hepburn ~
“The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.”
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower ~
“My life motto is Do my best so I can’t blame myself for anything.” ~ Magdalena Neuner ~
“We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses; but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.” ~ Steve Maraboli ~
“A man can fail many times but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”
~ John Burroughs ~
“Blame has no purpose and it is a lousy teacher.” ~ John Yokoyama ~
“One of the ways that people avoid taking responsibility for their role in their own pain is what I call the BP’s…blame and projection.” ~ Iyania Vanzant ~
“Great tranquility of heart is his who cares for neither praise nor blame.”
~ Thomas a Kempis ~
“When you blame others, you are affirming that you have no power, and your existence is only a reaction to the power of others…Until you stop blaming and become positively self-critical you are not going to move forward…Blame anchors us into the past; a place we cannot change. Acceptance frees us to the future…Empowerment is never about blame; it is about taking personal responsibility…Stop blaming and start being!” ~ Bryant McGill ~
Please let me know if you have a name you’d like added to the prayer list.
Prayer Keeping ~ Christians in Iraq ~ James Foley family ~ Christians serving in military and government ~ Christians in Muslim countries ~ Evey ~
Lynne says
Love the look of Sadie . . . although I might think about finding a bigger bed . . . (said with a pleasant smile, very late in the week, trying to catch up with posts and comments)
Happy Non Laboring Weekend Sandra . . .
M.K. says
Methinks Sadie is too big for that bed – haha!
Linda Kay says
"We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses; but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams." ~ Steve Maraboli ~ I like this one a lot.
GretchenJoanna says
"A man can fail many times but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else."
~ John Burroughs ~
This is my favorite of this bunch. Thank you, Sandra!
Monkeywrangler says
I think you're gonna need a bigger basket!