What to plant in your garden:
Plant three rows of squash:
1. Squash gossip – James 3:6
2. Squash criticism – Matthew 7:4
3. Squash indifference – Matthew 22:5
Plant three rows of peas:
1. Purity – II Corinthians 7:1
2. Patience – James 5:7
3. Perseverance – I Corinthians 15:58
Plant six rows of lettuce:
1. Let us be unselfish and loyal – Matthew 16:24
2. Let us be faithful to duty – Luke 19:17
3. Let us search the scriptures – Acts 17:11
4. Let us not be weary in well doing – Galatians 6:9
5. Let us be obedient in all things – John 14:23
6 Let us love one another – I John 4:7
No garden is complete without turnips:
1. Turn up for church, prayer meetings, Bible study – Hebrews 10:25
2. Turn up with a smile even when things are difficult – Proverbs 17:22
3. Turn up with determination to do your best for God – Romans 12:1
Plant as directed:
God will supply the sunshine, the rain and will give the bounty.
If you’d like a name added to the prayer list, please let me know. Names are kept for one week, around the world people are praying.
Prayer Keeping ~ Jim ~ Donna ~ Stephanie ~ Sandra ~
KathyB. says
I love this post ! It is a reminder and a lesson to me too. Thank-you Sandra.
Anita Johnson says
Lisa Richards says
All good reminders! Hope you're doing well! 🙂
Donna says
Thank you for the prayers!
dori says
I love this garden!
Pom Pom says
Aw! Smart!
I hope you have a cheerful week, dear Sandra.
affectioknit says
What a nice garden!
~Have a lovely day!
LindaSue says
wonderful and timely!
GretchenJoanna says
This kind of garden is way more work than what I usually do!
Sparky @ My Thoughts Exactly says
Those are all good lessons. Thank you!
I know I don't need to add this, but please everyone, keep praying for our country. If we get a real President & other Christian leaders next time, he is going to have a dickin's of a time getting us back to the Constition and a good economy again.
God bless. ~:)