“Nearly all marriages, even happy ones, are mistakes in the sense that almost certainly (in a more perfect world or even with a little more care in this very imperfect one) both partners might be found more suitable mates. But the real soul-mate is the one you are actually married to.” ~ J. R. R. Tolkien ~
“My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me.
~ Winston Churchill ~
“A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.” ~ Ruth Bell Graham ~
“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes for unhappy marriages.”
~ Nietzsche ~
“You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person, perfectly.” ~ Sam Keen ~
“The more I think about it, the more I realize, there is nothing more artistic than to love others.” ~ Vincent van Gogh ~
“Goals of National Marriage Week USA: 1. To elevate marriage as a national issue in the media and with policy leaders. 2. To promote the benefits of marriage, that stronger marriages bring economic stability to individuals and to the nation, and provides the best environment for thriving children. 3. To create a national calendar for existing, trusted marriage classes, conferences and events where people can find the help they need, or reach out to help others.” ~ National Marriage Week USA ~
If you have a prayer request, please let me know. Names are kept for one week; around the world, people are praying.
Prayer Keeping ~ Krystal ~ David ~ Miki’s family ~ unspoken requests ~ Sandra ~
My Sunday sabbath communed with birds and flowers at an our indoor conservatory.
Good thoughts shared on marriage and commitment. I enjoyed being married to my godly flawed husband and grateful he loved his very flawed wife!
Dear Sandra ~ This was a lovely post from the header, to your sweet canine friends and all of the wonderful quotes on marriage.
I miss being my husband's wife. I miss the every day give and take, being part of the team God made us to be. Yes, we too had our ups and downs, but joyfully LOVE prevailed and grew right up until he left this planet for his heavenly home. My love for him still grows.
I collected quotes on marriage too and these are some gems. Thank you.
Love and hugs to you this Valentine's Day week.
Thinking of your sweet Dave.
Good stuff! If marriage would not be entered into so lightly…great statments and scripture on marriag… Happy Sabbath Keeping.. blessings!
I meant "hit the NAIL on the head". Duh. ha ha ha ~:)
I like the doggie pics and they have such fun names! My favorite quotes today are from Ruth Bell Graham. She hit the name on the head every time. Such wisdom. I pray that I may always be so wise. And I really like the comment by "goatldi" above. Very well said. After 34+ years of marriage, I agree. I always tell people I believe in evolution because I'm still evolving! Hopefully for the better and hopefully in God's will.
God bless you my friend. Stay warm up thar. ~:)
Good Evening, Sandra. Such a sweet photo of Sadie and Sam. Your header photos is gorgeous too. Thanks for sharing this lovely post with us. I am praying for you re your home.
I appreciate your prayers for G & N.
Another thoughtful Sabbath. I went to town yesterday and did some errands. I found myself in a thrift store looking over a large array of items from a wedding that didn't happen. Even engraved items with the wedding date 2/22/14 mmmmmm, only weeks away. The woman beside me watched carefully as her husband walked off to another area. She then leaned over and said "looks like it didn't work out" to which I replied "yes and that is too bad" . The gal then lowered her voice and said "maybe they were lucky to have it that way. We got married 6 months ago and I left my job in the Bay area for one here, he still hasn't found a job here and is only home on weekends. Maybe they are the lucky ones." I thought for a moment before replying "Almost forty three years and there have been moments , ups and downs. Hopefully more ups than downs." We parted ways and it kept me thinking. It hasn't been a smooth road and it has gotten rockier in the last few years. But here we are, not because of lack of choice but because it is what we choose. Is he the same guy I married? No . Am I the same wild young girl, his E ticket? No. Have there been breeches of the marriage, hurtful things, at the time unforgivable things? You bet. But more ups then downs. Ruth Bell Graham's second quote says it all. Donna you are correct we have given our younger generations the misconception that "if it is broken throw it away" applies to everything from a vase to a marriage. Pity. There are days I would do it over again in a heartbeat and days I am not so sure. But like I said "more ups than downs" and something good worth having is worth working for.
This is a great post- lots of time and effort went into it, I can tell! xo Diana
Wonderful quotes, friend. I love that Vincent Van Gogh quote. I had forgotten it.
wonderful post!
You have put together some wonderful quotes on marriage. I believe the younger generation forgets that marriage can sometimes take work. It is a commitment for the long haul.