1. Lately, I’ve been on a Jeeves and Wooster kick. You may remember Hugh Laurie, on this side of the pond of House fame, was Bertie Wooster and Stephen Fry was Jeeves, his valet. I am in a snit fit to buy Hugh Laurie’s new blues c.d. called Didn’t It Rain and his rendition of St. Elmo’s Fire is, probably, the best I’ve ever heard. The white boy can do some blues, now, and his tango ain’t shabby either.
I adore Fry as Jeeves, his ability to express himself so succinctly with a simple (ha!) raise of the eyebrow. The old queen is still going strong.
Next tangent is Lord Peter Wimsey which I’m re-reading and am going to order some DVD’s. Dorothy Sayers is among my favorite authors, is always delightful, is always verbose and veddy, veddy British. The Dorothy L. Sayers Society here celebrates her life and writing. As an aside, she was, I believe, the only female member of the Inklings, with C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien also members during their Oxford years.
2. This scene brings me to my knees, weeping tears of joy. There’s NO snow, NO ice and the wind is still. O Dear God…thank YOU! There’s lots of rain and the temps are chilly, in the 40’s so it’s not sweater weather yet.
3. Today is the 21st of February and next month this date, it’s SPRING! In celebration of that fact, I enameled my nails neon tulip pink. Granted, no one knows because I’m still wearing boots but I know and that counts. A lot.
4. In my last post, It’s a Good Day to Die, I mentioned Sadie and Sam were 3 years old. Yesterday, going through some papers, I noticed they will both be 5 in March. Somehow I missed a year or two, sorry babies! To the left of Sadie is the rug I’m putting in the sun room…hopefully today but as I still need to get my sorry self to town…deliver shortbread to vet’s office, return books to library, mail GYBP gifts at post office, get a hair cut and then a mad dash to Bluefield to buy pink yarn to knit Kinsley a hat. BTW, it should be mentioned the name, “It’s a Good Day to Die” is from, I believe, an old American native saying. It goes…It’s a good day to die but tomorrow would be better.” Yes, yes, it would.
5. Yesterday I downloaded to my Kindle this delightful book, Knitting by Faith. It’s not that large, I think ten chapters, but well rounded in thought and theology. At ninety-nine cents it’s pure treasure and highly recommended.
6. An extra…are you familiar with Dogs on Deployment? Watch here and be amazed at love.
That’s my Friday and thank each of you who have been praying; truly, your prayers and God’s answers have kept me from injury during this bad patch of winter. It would be lovely to have you visit but, trust me, your prayers are a lot more necessary and welcome because that’s what’s holding us all up. Dr. Anne, my vet, and I were talking while we were putting down Harry and Sophie; she said, “It would frighten people if they knew how close to the edge a lot of us are.” She’s so right! Every time I leave the farm I see folks who are dangerously close to the edge; exhausted beyond weariness with despair and almost completed overwhelmed by life. When we pray for each other, it brings both of us into the presence of God. Every time I read a comment, I stop and say a prayer for that person…for you…to be overwhelmed by God’s grace, mercy, tenderness, love and kindness. For God to allow you to be restored, renewed, refreshed in Him.
Lately, there have been a few folks who have, during private netversations, been on the receiving end of my total truthfulness and they have left and, thus far, not returned. Which only goes to show, there’s no unconditional love other than the unconditional love of Christ. We fail Him, He still forgives; bless His name forever.
Blessings ~ rain to fill the water table ~ knitting ~ British comedy and mystery ~ shortbread ~ warmer temps ~
Love the Brit shows all of them comedy's , mysteries you name it I have been watching Coronation Street for 40 years British parents and background was raised with their traditions and family still in England and Scotland . Thanks for sharing . Lovely photos ! Have a good day !
Lovely dogs ! Hey We sleep with our Miggs well it starts off with her on the bed but she gets to hot and gets down lol ! Same looks like he has some Wheaten Terrier and or Irish wolf hound in him ! I am having a good nose around this wonderful blog of yours and am now following ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !
We're BIG Jeeves and Wooster fans here also — have all four seasons on DVD. WE watch them often b/c the humor never does get old. So fun! I'm so glad your snow and ice (esp.) is GONE and your nails are prepped for summer 🙂 May it come soon!
I had to chuckle at your #2 because I felt like that over the weekend here in Western PA 🙂
So happy that your snow and ice have departed Sandra — I know how hard it has been for you these past few months. Thanks for taking the time to join in this week. xo
Beautiful shots! Lovely post.
Thanks for sharing.
Hope to see you on my blog:)
So glad it's springy enough for tulip pink toenails! I'll be glad for that date next month also. Hugs to you!
Glad to see spring has arrived in your neck of the woods!
I'll check out the Dorothy Sayers link with interest.
The hope God gives us is so amazing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Dearest Sandra– thank goodness there are hints of spring to be found. I'm so ready and I know you are my friend!
I'm going to check out the Jeeves and Wooster show- you are the second person in the past few days to rave about that show.
I'm sending you much love— the doggies are precious. Next up you will probably have to deal with lots of mud on the farm– mud and spring seem to go hand in hand:(
Love you-
So glad that hopefully spring is just around the corner for all of us…I have never lived on a farm and would truly not want to as I know from my parents that it is a hard life…so much to deal with on a daily basis that never ends…I admire people such as you that try to hold on and push through the dangers and harshness of these winters that we have…that said, I am so glad that relief in the form of spring is close at hand…glad that God has kept you from harm during the harshness of this winter and will bring you into a wonderful spring filled with great beauty to remove the sadness of your losses this past winter…I think it great that you chose to paint your nails even though only you know…which brings a smile to your face as you know that just around the corner your feet will be in great summer sandles for all to see…wishing you a blessed and happy day today…
I so enjoy ur posts and am amazed that with all u have to do that u can still find time….but I'm most thankful u do! As for those who left, they're the losers. I have found u to be nothing but completely honest, loving, caring, intelligent, strong and a true Christian. I'm very thankful for our "friendship". For even tho we've never met, I do treasure u as a friend. I read every post and although I don't always post a comment, I do read them. U r so down to earth real…maybe that's what those who left couldn't take. Many people don't care for truth…it makes them uncomfortable. Love the pink toenails-u've inspired me to do mine. Wish we could visit u sometime on our way to PA to visit my husband's family…but I know u value ur privacy and have much to do every day. Also, in this day and time it's best not to invite folks to the homeplace. Maybe if possible u could meet us someplace of ur choosing for a cup of coffee? Don't know if u do that or not. We have only met two people in person that we've met online…one was a very sweet couple, fulltime rv'ers who visited with us when they were in town, we showed them around and took them out to eat and one other fulltime lady rv'er also visiting the area…we're still in contact with them. Good friendships. But sadly I'm a bit leery of meeting too many people…hard for me to trust in today's world, especially in my physical condition. Anyway, thanks for ur posts and ur prayers, we can always use more prayers. God's blessings on u each and every day as u go about tending his creatures. Much love and prayers to u!
Love Sadie & Sam. I kept thinking my little Maltese, Bono, was 4 1/2…he's actually 6 1/2. So, it's normal I guess. Where does the time go? But I know one thing, I cannot be without my dogs, they are my major source of sustenance. xx's
Wow! I can't believe all the snow is gone! What a wonderful sight. And what a great way to celebrate. I always paint my toes when it's time to start thinking about spring.
Cute pictures of the pups, I especially love Sam's pose. So cute.
This post makes me feel so happy and thankful for you. Painted toes are pretty.
You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I feel blessed to have you pray for me. What an uplifting feeling. With all that you are living through you think of others and pray for them. Thank you.
I hope you have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady
I am so glad, no snow = things have got to improve at T. C. F.! Beautiful babies, I know time has a way of doing that especially when one is as busy as you. love the toes 🙂
Sweet Rosie toesies! Yay no snow and hopefully Spring will be poking her lovely head your way! Love and blessings to you!
21 comments for the 21 days of February. I like to be 22 even numbered living an uneven life. Love the toes I did my toes when Geoffrey was lingering in the hospital the first time. My grands got a kick out of the Goatldi with glitter on the toes. Amazing tho how therapeutic a bit of bling is! Love your words as always. So happy you are well. But so sad that you see the unraveling too. Was hoping it was my imagination. However if we all pray for unraveling souls imagine the results! Snooze on Shepherdess.
My daughter gave me the Wooster and Jeeves set years ago, and I too go through bouts of watching it over and over. Those guys are really funny together.
I love the polish color. How about some fru-fru pink fuzzy slipons to go with those? Love to see that girly side just burstin to get out! 😀 It is almost toenail polish time.
Hooray for pink toes! I'm glad you're enjoying the reprieve from the cold and snow and ice. We have been too, but it appears more cold is on the way soon. I figure it won't last too long.
God bless you.
Love that your toenails are neon tulip pink…even if only you know. It has been a long winter and I will be ever so glad to see it done.
As to those that left after your private conversations with them -mores the pity- they were not "friends" at all really-just observers of another human as if studying an insect. That is sad-but true- that some just can't take the truth when it is spelled out for them. xo Diana
Just caught up on your blog. Oh, goodness, have you had a doozy of a winter!
I remember when I was a single parent….living in an old house…I would do things like make a ramp into the car to load up the lawn mower, shovel a couple feet of snow off the porch roof, shovel everything else during my
daughter's nap time, just me and God. I even had one old window that would only open when I prayed and asked God to help me. (even once when my dad was visiting…he couldn't open it himself. I had to "pray it open")
I'm glad to see your snow is gone. I will pray for a speedy and profitable sale of your farm. You are a beautiful writer, Sandra.
I am so glad to see that the snow is gone in your area. I hope that it will make life easier for you and the critters. Thank you for pointing out that Spring is just around the corner. We still have lots of snow in Michigan but that picture of your farm without snow gives me hope. Praying that you stay warm and safe.
I'm enjoying that book, too! Your nails look great! I am delighted the snow is gone for now!
I love that you painted your nails neon pink! Come on Spring! I can never remember how old any of my pets are either. It's written down in a file somewhere! Thanks for the book review and I hope you get the yarn you are looking for. Thankful your weather conditions have improved. I know the power of prayer and I am remembering you. By the way, the young husband/father who had the stroke is improving. Thank you, Lord.
God bless you this evening. Rest well. Love, Mildred
I have to say, I'm jealous. We still have over 2 feet of snow even with Wednesday's thaw. The dogs have the same look my cats have, a longing for it to be warm so they can go outside and romp.
I have missed reading your words, Sandra. You write truth like an old friend. Praying your through til Spring and hoping those tulip toes do you some good. XO
we have a few snow patches left & most is gone … a bit of rain today. we will see what least the weekend will bring??! ( :
Well don't think I have left, I just couldn't read. Today I can finally!! So here I am, I always love your total truthfulness.
I have never seen that little book Knitting by Faith but it sounds lovely. No, I don't have a Kindle.
Well Jeeves and Wooster and Lord Peter Whimsy are my favorites. Last winter I was on a Lord Peter kick. Maybe I should get on another one. I have always enjoyed Dorthy Sayers anyway.
I am so glad that it isn't snowy right now. That is awesome. Your toe nails look delightful. I don't know as of yet what my feet look like, I imagine a mess.
So take care. It was nice to finally be able to see your page.
Have a lovely weekend.
It's been unseasonably warm here in the 80s. Wish that was our high in summer! I'm so thankful you've had a respite from the cold.
I pray for my fellow bloggers too. We all need that. Thank you for yours. Since Maxie died and I realized our country is (possibly irrevocably) in the toilet, I've been having trouble with feeling cheerful. "A good day" is looking real good sometimes.
As far as those other commenters not sticking around: I say it's there loss. More than likely they are some of the idjits that voted for Barry Soetoro. And I don't suffer fools lightly. (Neither do you, I know.)
God bless. ~:)
So happy you're thawed! We're not but can see patches of ground. Yay! Thanks for the prayers. Shoulder therapy starts Tuesday. Rotator cuff surgery a wk ago. Will be happy to lose this sling, but I am blessed!
Inspiration indeed to see your "no snow" landscape. It gives me the confidence that one day we too will be snow free. Your snow melted very fast!
I can't believe people have left you for something you have said. We don't all always agree . . . I see value in varying viewpoints and find it healthy for me to be challenged, made to think, question.
I think it is most important to stay true to self, be authentic and to be kind to one another.
Happy weekend Sandra!
What a pleasant surprise to visit and to see you thawed out…the land, too! Your Pink Enamel looks awesome and beside you knowing, we (your prayer warriors) also know and celebrate with you as Spring is just around the corner. Gosh, I wish I'd known you needed some PINK YARN…I've got some to share. Enjoy your knitting…I'm on a crochet spree. Thanks for the Knitting by Faith review. Have a restful, knitful weekend.
We're still snow-covered in PA, so your view looks positively divine to me! Love your Spring polish. I always feel better when my nails look good :).
Wow, THAT was a fast thaw! I'm thankful, for your sake. We are having a partly SUNNY day here; woohoo!
Oh, and one small quibble. I think dogs also give us unconditional love – but that, too – ultimately – is from God. 😉
Hi dear one, I love catching up here; I won't be going anywhere-just don't always post a comment. You are such a treasure and I'm so thankful I found you. I love your pups-I had a dog named Sam too and a Sadie-Sadie was my heart dog.
Our weather is crazy-no snow this week but huge winds. Sunny but cold as well.
I count it an honor to lift you up! I cherish your prayers as well.
Blessings on your weekend dear friend.
Hugs, Noreen
Oh that is an incredible view and no snow will be so much easier for you. Sadie and Sam are so cute I have been known to miss a year or two in my own age sometimes not a big deal.
Love your toes and some time soon you will not have to only wear boots and wool.
I have gotten through many a situation with the help of friends I have never met. You are so right you never never know how close. Take care And I am not going anywhere. God willing. Hug B
I'm glad the weather is better for you. It's about the same here. NO SNOW! I thank God for the break for us and the animals.
I watched Hugh Laurie's "Didn't It Rain" concert on PBS several months ago. Great entertainment.
Have a wonderful weekend.
It sounds as though now that you aren't dealing with the snow and ice you are very busy catching up with everything else. I'm so happy to hear that you are moving on into different weather, and your God-infused human spirit is bursting out all over. <3
We are still covered in white here in Wisconsin, but even your sepia colored world looks good to me. Your dogs are in familiar poses to mine…waiting for sunshine perhaps/ I have developed a habit of praying a short prayer when I publish my comment…I will pray for your safety when I do that today.