“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.” ~ Hermann Hesse ~
“To preserve peace in time of trouble our will must remain firm in God and be ever directed towards Him, that is, we should be disposed to receive all things from the hand of God, from His justice, and from His bounty, with humble submission to His blessed will. Good and evil, health and sickness, prosperity and adversity, consolation and dryness, temptation and tranquility, interior sweetness, trails, and chastisements, all should be received by the soul with humility, patience, and resignation, as coming to us by the appointment of God. This is the only means of finding peace in the midst of great troubles and adversities.” ~ Thomas A Kempis ~
“God didn’t do it all in one day; what makes me think I can?” ~ unknown ~
“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world – not even our troubles.” ~ Charlie Chaplin ~
“Don’t let your mind bully your body into thinking it must carry the burden of its worries.”
~ Astrid Aluda ~
“Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength – carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” ~ Corrie ten Boom ~
“How can a person deal with anxiety? You might try what one fellow did. He worried so much that he decided to hire someone to do his worrying for him. He found a man who agreed to be his hired worrier for a salary of $200,000 per year. After the man accepted the job, his first question to his boss was, “Where are you going to get $200,000?” To which the man responded, “That’s your worry.” ~ Max Lucado ~
“Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety.” ~ Plato ~
“All growth in the spiritual life is connected with the clearer insight into what Jesus is to us. The more I realize that Christ must be all to me and in me, that all in Christ is indeed for me, the more I learn to live the real life of faith, which, dying to self, lives wholly in Christ. The Christian life is no longer the vain struggle to live right, but the resting in Christ and finding strength in Him as our life, to fight the fight and gain the victory of faith.” ~ Andrew Murray ~
“The next hour, the next moment, is as much beyond our grasp and as much in God’s care, as that a hundred years away. Care for the next minute is just as foolish as care for the morrow, or for a day in the next thousand years–in neither can we do anything, in both God is doing everything. Those claims only of the morrow which have to be repeated today are of the duty of today: the moment which coincides with work to be done, is the moment to be minded; the next is nowhere till God has made it.” ~ From an Anthology of George MacDonald, Edited by C. S. Lewis ~
If you’d like a name added to the prayer list, please let me know. Names will be kept for one week; around the world, people are praying.
Prayer Keeping ~ Maxine ~ Kurt ~ Timi and family ~ Linda ~ Annie’s family ~ Joshua ~ Sandra ~
La Petite Gallery says
Popped in to say Hi!
We are getting weather in the teens and maybe snow for Thanksgiving.
I have a new carport started and
hoppe it is finished by Thanksgiving.
Vicki Boster says
Sandra- your weekend Sabbath posts are my favorite. I work lots of weekends– and I love to take a few minutes and read these posts. They are uplifting and so encouraging– they renew my faith every time.
Love you–
Deb says
I have been so busy that I haven't visited your lovely blog for a while, but God guided me here today because I really, really needed to read these thoughts about worry and anxiety. Thank you. I am going to print this off and read it again and again. Would you please add my son Joshua to your prayer list. He is a really good, nice young man who really is going the way God wants him too, but he is getting some opposition, and needs the strength to stay on the right path. Thank you so much. God bless you!
La Petite Gallery says
Dear Sandra,
In the 70-80's I used to take
my friends to Myrtle Beach.
We had fun there then drove to Charleston..
Wishing you a wonderful
with all the trimings.
Jeannette says
yes…"Let not your hearts be troubled" I need always to be entering into this…
Happy Sabbath, friend.
TexWisGirl says
love the sweet cow sipping. and the cattle on the road below, too. 🙂
Nancy says
Wonderful post. So many great quotes, along with scripture. My favorite quote is Corrie Ten Boom's on worry. Soooo good! Thank you.
Hindsfeet says
Thank you for this tonight….
dori says
so very good, healthy quotes after a long day filled with several troubles!
I love the photo of your region in front of your window and the sentence there.
Anonymous says
Thank you for your thoughtful post and as always I come away encouraged… 🙂
Celestina Marie says
Hi Sandra, This is such an encouraging and uplifting post. I am going to go back an read it again. You are truly blessed my friend.
Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment.
Have a great week filled with blessings.
La Petite Gallery says
Reading this helps. I am a worrier
always anxious. I stay busy that helps. Assuming you are back.
Have a great day, I am watching the news from the storm. It's awful.
Lynn says
enjoyed this and I think Judi Picoult is my favourite today's quote-wonderful post.
Timi says
Thank you, Sandra!!! I was so good to read this post!!! I wish I had more faith sometimes!
Midlife Roadtripper says
"I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine."
All is well.
Peace to you.
NanaDiana says
You are such a good soul for putting this together and praying for people. God bless ya- xo Diana
annie says
enjoyed this post, I am too worrying.
please put my husband on your list, he is doing well after the pick up ran over him, but still needs healing in his legs, esp. the left one,,
thank you for being faithful to pray for others.
Dewena Callis says
Fears and anxieties have grown less with me in my older age for I have seen what God has done in the past. And partly, maybe, because I'm too tired to worry! A blessing in disguise!
myletterstoemily says
my mother is so anxiety prone, now
she has panic attacks several times
a week. wish she could read and
soak in this post. i will quote some
or your wonderful quotes to her.
LindaSue says
ah you are back and publishing Sabbath Keeping – I love the variety and depth of quotes you find/use – yep – anxiety/stress/worry are the reason we have idols – 'cause after all – a God we can't see or control couldn't possibly deal with MY problem —
anyhow – 'tis good to see you back and helping us draw closer to the One who can solve a problem
Michelle says
You must be home. I'm glad!
Pom Pom says
Hi Sandra!
You're home! I miss you.
Dianna says
I think this is one of my most favorite of all the Corrie ten Boom's quotes I've ever heard…
"Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength – carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength." ~ Corrie ten Boom ~
Praying for you, Friend.