Patrice, Everyday Ruralty, is hosting Chat’s on the Farmhouse Porch #114 and I’m playing along. Actually, yesterday, I sent Patrice a note with five questions for her Chat. I wasn’t sure I was doing the right thing but, as it turns out, Patrice was open to my suggestions and here are the questions and my answers.
1. How many animals do you have? Three dogs, Sadie Lovebug (Rhodesian Ridgeback), Sam P. Spade, Secret Agent (basset hound-terrier-spaniel mix) and Sophie Lauren Butterball (broken coat Jack Russell). Sam and Sophie are rescues. The house cats are Gypsy Rose Lee, Hattie Cat, Levi Lilly, Tippy and Gray Tom who lives outside but runs inside every time the door is cracked open. The American Curly horses are geldings HayJ and Dandy Man and the mares are Lightly, Peaches, Dani Girl, Izzabella, Tumbleweed and Bodacious. Carly Shetland, a 19 year old Shetland ewe, lives in the yard and gets arthritis pain meds twice a day. The other sheep include Romney’s Shetlands, two Merinos, a Merino Shetland cross and a Suffolk Columbia cross. Most have names but, tell the truth, I’ve forgotten some of their names…my bad. There are also four rescued alpacas, 2 geldings and 2 studs but no names there either. Most of the barn cats do not have names and I like it that way; I’m trying to gentle some of them so I can take them to the county pound.
OH, almost forgot the 3 guineas who flew in on the last storm…haven’t named their either.
2. Have you begun Christmas plans, travel, decorations, crafts, menus, etc.? No, I haven’t even begun thinking about Christmas…but I do know I’m staying home this year. I’m not going anywhere except to the barn to take care of chores. Maybe I’ll have smoked salmon, sour cream, capers, red onion and dill on crackers for dinner and for supper, more of the same. Sounds good.
3. Do you celebrate Harvest or Halloween? Halloween has become something extremely different from when I was a child. When I was a child (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth), Halloween was simple fun where we could roam from house to house, gathering candy and having fun. So, I celebrate Harvest Season…these last few weeks of Autumn are an opportunity to gather apples to can for apple pie, put up green tomato pickles, make kiwi jam, blueberry conserve and I even bought a mini watermelon to munch on tomorrow.
4. How do you heat your house? Oh my. Hopefully, less expensively than I did last year. Earlier this month, the heating man came to clean my furnace and he found a broken part. He said he thought my oil bill would be less than last year…such a blessing! I also have propane heaters and freestanding gas stove and a wood stove. I still need to move the wood from the barn to the back porch but the chimney and stove are cleaned and ready to be put into service. Oh joy!
5. Do you like dishes with white centers or centers with patterns? I really don’t like the food to fight with the dishes so prefer white centers either with patterns around the edges or all white.
Blessings ~ Patrice ~ Chats ~ my 4-legged family ~ Harvest ~ Christmas ~ this farm & valley ~
Sandra Bennett says
Dewena, and that's what's planned for Christmas dinner and the same for supper. Alpaca photos come and go…will post again, soon.
Nancy, what can I say…they name themselves.
Nancy says
Cute post. The names of your animals crack me up.
Dewena Callis says
That was fun! Your Christmas dinner sounds wonderful. Have I missed seeing posts of your alpacas? I wanted so much to raise them when we moved to this old hillside farm. Too old now but they have a special place in my heart.
Sandra Bennett says
Mildred, all I do is take care of animals -grin.
Sparky, enjoyed your answers, thanks for playing along.
Diana, I work hard at keeping warm.
Leslie, you're welcome and thank you for visiting.
Dianna, I'm all about easy when it comes to eating.
Susan, yep, taking care of animals is my life.
Karen, I didn't mention the sheep number 26.
Buttons, that's why sometimes I take a blog break…just too busy.
Kate, a clean chimney is a safe fire…well done.
Dori, my animals are mostly aged; Dave always said we were running an old age farm.
Carol, that old ewe, Carly, has a voice like a fog horn and *demands* her food and treats. She's a funny thing.
Debbie, I've been trying to comment on your blog but can't figure it out. I did visit though.
Debbie Huffaker says
Your header photo is beautiful….so peaceful!! I totally agree with your answer about Halloween when we were young…um, younger. It's just gotten out of hand. I much prefer celebrating Harvest, too!! Thanks for helping Ms. Patrice out this week!
Carol says
Sandra, you never fail to amaze and impress me. What a delightful post. So many animals and all so lovingly cared for, and especially that one very lucky sheep. The answers to the questions were fun and insightful. Lovely post!
dori says
Oh, she is already NINEteen years!! Impossible! And a good nurse nearby for best living-quality!
dori says
What a lovely post, containg questions, which move everyone 🙂
WHAT?? A seventeen-years-old sheep? I love your love for animals, they all are lucky to have the permission to live here. Congratulations, brave and good Thistle! Best whishes for all of yours, two and four feet!!
Kate says
our chimneys are all cleaned up as of this week, also. My husband thinks they are drawing a lot better.
Buttons says
WOW it is so nice to know more about you where do you find the time to blog you do have a very full plate. Lots of beautiful animals to love. Hug B
Karen says
I had no idea you take care of SO MANY Critters!!!…
susan@avintagefarmwife says
You are a definite animal lover. I bet they are good company. I am a white-plate person, too!
Dianna says
I'm so glad that I stopped by this evening! Reading down over your side bars have made me feel as if I've met an old friend.
Thank you for being just what Patrice needed this week by sharing your questions with her.
I have started a few Christmas projects and have a list rolling around in my head that I need to see it touches paper soon!
We, too, will stay home this year. Both of our living parents are in their 80's and we just want to be here for them. And by the way…I love your menu! 🙂 Sounds great!
Leslie says
Interesting questions, thanks for helping Patrice
NanaDiana says
What a neat post, Sandra. I did not realize you had so many animals. I am glad you have so many sources of heat, too. Winters can be expensive without supplemental heating when you are out a ways. In town (like we are) natural gas is quite reasonable.
It is wonderful to get to know more about you- xo Diana
Sparky says
Oh boy! Q & A time. 🙂
1. There won't be a quiz later, will there? 'Cause I'd never remember all those names. [lol] (Now you know why I never have more than 3 dogs at one time)
2. I don't think about Christmas, until, well Christmas. Stores have RUINED the holiday for me with starting up the selling in mid-September.
3. I don't "celebrate" either and not on religious terms. Just lazy. [smile]
4. Central Heat and Air
5. I like dishes with food in them.
Luv ~:)
Anonymous says
Beautiful photos, Sandra. I did not know you had so many animals. I miss the simple times of my childhood when Halloween was just good, clean fun. The worst thing that ever happened to me was a cold, wet apple made a whole in my candy bag and I lost a lot of candy!!!!!
No big holiday dinners for us. We live very simply these days!