Dearest Mags,
So often, when reading something you’ve written, something grabs and shakes me. So it is with your phrase, “faithful attention”. You’re right; life isn’t fair but it hasn’t been fair since Father Adam and Mother Eve made their first, great mistake. Every time I see a beer bellied sloppy man schlepping around, don’t you know I think, “Why God? Why Dave and not that man? It’s just not fair” is the cry of my heart. And yet, I do know part of the answer. God has used Dave’s death to use me to tell people about Jesus. There have been so many opportunities taken to tell people how Dave made his peace with God mere days before Dave died. Has God used Dave’s story to lead someone else Home? I don’t know but I do know one plants, one waters and God receives the harvest.
Mags, obedience is better than sacrifice…obey. You and I know what to do: we’re to be about our Father’s business until He calls us Home or sends His Son to retrieve us. Mags darlin’, please don’t spend too much time on the questions when you’ve already got the answers. The answers to what’s important…eternity and our places there. Tell your sons, family, friends, neighbors, strangers in the journey about Jesus. Be a candle, albeit flickering at times, in the darkness. As long as there is Light, the darkness will be overcome and you and I have overcome because He overcame.
Pay faithful attention to what’s important. Turn off the noise so you can hear His whisper because, beyond the shadow of a doubt, we will be thrown into the fiery furnace. How can we survive if we’ve not prepared? We are old souls, Mags, who occupy bodies for too short a while and then, eternity! God is watching, helping when we ask, loving us toward Home; God is watching us, Mags; let’s not disappoint.
Blessings ~ struggles that make us stronger ~ death because then there is LIFE ~ eventually…HOME ~ Mags ~
Sandra Bennett says
Celestina Marie, oh I do know but it still is painful -wry smile-.
Vic, thank you so much.
Nancy, you're right.
Marsha, I'm ready to go but I'm not homesick.
Dewena, no the answers never change because He never changes.
Lisa, maybe when he's asleep…?
Dawn, I never realized it was pride but can now see you're right. It *is* a mean world and thank God for Jesus; I'm spending eternity with them.
Miss Robin, thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment.
Robyn, you're welcome any time you're able to visit.
Mags, you are a blessing dearest!
magsmcc says
Well, here is Mags- late as always! You are very right, Sandra, in this as in so many things x It is interesting that since R's death, and especially since her funeral, people have been recounting how they have only been able to pray, "Jesus, Jesus". All around this reeling community people are lifting up His name and their hands towards Him. Yesterday we went o a very different funeral, one of an old and faithful Christian man. It was, in stark contrast, a delight. Thank you for my post! I am most blessed.
Robyn@SimplyMe1970 says
Im sorry Im just getting to this post now. I'm playin catch up with my blog reading.. This post was absolutely beautiful and so heartfelt.. I could feel everything through your words. God bless you and keep you in His love always Sandra.
misssrobin says
Beautifully said. I will be pondering on the words Faithful Attention this weekend. Thank you for sharing them with me.
Stopping by from SITS. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Dawn González says
A graceful, inspiring reminder. It helps to bring things back into perspective sometimes. My brother died early, and I have looked at another and asked the same question. It's pride, you know. Our loved one is not more important or better loved to Jesus. That's why not him. It can be a mean world, so thank God for eternity.
Lisa says
I will try more noiseless faithful attention! But now I will make you laugh! It is never noiseless around a 7 year old boy! God needed Dave and he will be there waiting when it is your time. I never knew you before, but I know you are a calm in a sea of storms! Brave to share your view and a Godly woman! I am proud to be your bloggy friend!
Dewena Callis says
This may have been written to a particular friend but as usual there are many of us who have been there at one time or another. I loved your sweet but firm answer to her. One thing that has comforted me as I've grown old is that I finally feel as if I'm no longer a seeker but a finder. There is unbelievable assurance in realizing that the answers don't change. They're the same as they've always been.
Marsha Splenderosa says
My precious Sandra, our lives on this Earth are my version of "hell." The universe is perfect, filled with goodness & love, created by the Master of the Universe, our God. If we learn everything we are supposed to learn on this level we ascend upward to greater levels. Otherwise, we just come right back here to do it all over again, maybe as a frog or a prince or a pauper. Keep the faith, babe. We will all be together one day waaaaay up there.
Nancy says
Nicely said. But just remember that you are only seeing others' shell. Not who they really are. Although sometimes it does tell a little. 🙂
Monkeywrangler says
I don't know who Mags is, but your post is truly insightful. Thank you for sharing it.
Celestina Marie says
What a insightful post my friend. I do know that God takes those that have completed their journey and finished HIS work. Maybe the big belly guy still has much work to do and God is not through with him yet. Only God knows the answers.
Yes, we all need to be still and listen, there is so much to learn.
Thank you for sharing your heart.
Thank you also for stopping by and your kind comment.
Blessings, Celestina Marie