Thank you for visiting Thistle Cove Farm; may God bless you, yours and the work of your hands and heart. My goal is to respond, here, to your comments although it may take a while. Anonymous comments negative, rude or detrimental in nature will be removed.
Karen, glad you liked it.
Patrice, the baby at the end slays me every time I see her.
LindaSue, daily funny. I need it SO much.
Annie, wonderful!
Marsha, glad you enjoyed.
Buttons, you're very welcome.
Paula, had me laughing out loud.
Lea, glad it opened.
Yvonne, happy I could help.
Dori, watch them every day and they are SO cute…the babies.
Debby, you're welcome, enjoy again!
Leigh, great! glad you laughed.
That was hilarious! Very clever and great for a laugh.
Thank you, I really enjoyed that!
Congratulations, brave Thistle, cow and baby! LOVE!!
Sandra, ya made my day, so cute. Can't wait to show my Daughter. Thank you sweet Lady.
that is adorable! i've had three people try
to get me to watch it, but it never would
load until now.
Oh, that was so cute! (And funny!)
LOVE this had me laughing. Thank you. B
Too wonderful, Sandra…
we loved it, thanks!
ROFL – now that was just what was needed –
Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed it. I'm a big baby fan!
How cute (and funny!)