Sadie watches over Carly who has extremely old bones and, near as I can figure, Carly is 19 or 20, ancient for a sheep. Her poor arthritic bones feel the cold dreadfully, and each day this winter, I’d have to heave her to her feet three or four times. She’s enjoying the warmth of spring which, probably, is her last spring to enjoy. Carly is a dear thing and has brought much joy into our lives.
Each morning, Sadie rushes to see if Carly is still “with us”; one of these days, she won’t be but will wait for us to meet her Home.
Once or twice a month, Jake shows up, stays for an hour, p’raps three and then hits the road again. He reminds me so much of my Christian walk…I love God and want to do His will, even try my best yet still fall off the straight and narrow. I go back to Father, cowed and fearful and He welcomes me with loving, open arms.
Yes, Dave and I allowed our dogs on the sheet and towel covered furniture. When Jake comes ’round, he climbs into my lap for snuggles and kisses and I accommodate. Shortly, he’s gone again to God knows where until he decides to visit me next time.
Can you see Levi?
Each day, Levi and Gypsy go with the dogs and I to the barn. We do morning chores, check water and fences, make sure everyone is on their feet. It’s a family thing.
Gypsy enjoys her dirt bath and I’ve never figured out, exactly, why.
This red fox was in the pasture next to the farm and is, probably, a she who has kits. During early dawn and late dusk hours, I can hear them calling for food, a job that keeps their mother worn out busy.
Barn swallows are back…hurrah! In the eighteen years we’ve owned Thistle Cove Farm, I’ve seen one mosquito. Between the barn swallows and bats, insect pests are in short supply. It’s pouring rain and the pastures are responding by becoming a beautiful “pison” green; the sign of growing things. There’s so much to do but thought you might enjoy some photos; be safe and well, if you get a chance, come for a visit. Won’t take a moment to put the kettle on.
Blessings ~ animals ~ farm life ~ dawn ~ dusk ~ this beloved farm ~
Amber, thank you, love taking photos of the critters.
Kathy, love my fur babies!
Dewena, there are cattle all around me so there are flies as well. I hate 'em but nothing for it.
Robyn, it's cooler weather so the dogs have been sleeping on top of me lately…ouch.
Maggie, God is great, isn't He? Falling is a terrible thing to happen to a body; may there always be someone to catch you and pick you up.
Debby, Sadie is an adorable girl; sweet and loving with all of us except Sophie. Jealousy there, ugh.
Mildred, be safe and you and John are tucked into prayer.
Hi Sandra, I enjoyed your photos so much. Such sweet animals.
We will physically move on Wed. The closings are Mon. and Tues. John is in bed with sinus infection and little Harriet is being tested for thyroid problems. She is 12.
Thanks for your sweet wishes – we are excited.
I wish you a restful evening and a blessed Sunday dear friend.
I found Sadie watching Carly so sweet and enduring.
Loved walking around your beautiful farm with you.
I do know how Carly feels and I may need someone soon to start picking me up three or four times a day. lol
God is Good and we are so Blessed to have our fur babies to snuggle with too.
Take care honey
Loved this post. The photos and your writings. Sweet Sadie….love Jack and the rest of the crew…Our dogs are also allowed on the covered furniture but mostly prefer us!
We had barn swallows the first year we bought this place, never in later years. I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that the previous owners had Black Angus in the barn? We did not cut down any brush or wild growth. In fact it became even more of a wildlife refuge after the cattle were no longer here to keep the hills cropped.
The picture of Sadie and Carly and what you wrote about them touched my heart. So precious!
I really enjoyed this post-our furry friends are sooo special
I enjoyed your farm pics!
Andie, done! it's pretty relaxed around here; I don't get upset if something is broken, unless broke on purpose and then someone is punished. I have a high tolerance for most things, but not deliberate disobedience.
Annie, see my comment to Andie /grin/.
Timi, what about the storks? Are they back?
Vic, okay, Sadie is a love bug.
Diana, Sadie is more of a loving pest but Carly doesn't mind.
Sparky, I didn't do enough yesterday to get arrested. But, did have a meeting with a painter/contractor and a community meeting last night so day wasn't a total loss.
Gail, God loves us with an everlasting love and underneath are His everlasting arms. Bless His name forever!
Mollie, my crew says, "come on! we'll teach you how to dig for groundhogs, run far from home, roll in dead stuff, eat horse poop…you'll LOVE it here!"
Cindy, I meant every word.
Karen, Carly is SO old but still loving.
Marsha, yes, Jake is a hooligan but he's adorable too.
Quinn, put up bird and bat houses…you know those birds (can't remember name) that look like they live in high rise apartments. name might start with M…charades over the i-net, doncha know, Quinn. anyway, increase the bird and bat population and the flying insect population will decrease.
ONE mosquito???
When can I move in?
Mosquitoes and black flies are the true bane of my existence, from Spring right through Autumn. I was an adult before I realized not everyone gets swollen bites that itch for days and days.
I love those animals. Sadie would be my best friend, I think. Jake is a hooligan isn't he, but so cute. And, the rest of the crew make life so much happier don't they? I wouldn't know how to live without my Bono & FiFi. much love, darling Sandra
I love your animal photos. Levi is so pretty! Of course I love the sheep girl!
girl, i'd come in a heartbeat to see you. I will never, ever forget your kindness and generosity in offering your home as a temporary respite to Pete and I after losing ours to foreclosure.
perhaps, someday…but for sure we will share some space in our heavenly home!
OMD I'm a blond Collie, I need to come to your pad for a holiday 🙂 xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
I appreciated your analogy of Jake and his sporadic visits. I'm exactly like that, straying from God, and yet I keep returning, filled with guilt and my tail between my legs. I photographed barn swallows this weekend! They are such pretty birds, but difficult to capture.
That was a fun walk around the place. I enjoyed it. 🙂 I'd say more but I'm pooped from working around our "estate" today. Place is lookin' good but gosh it's wearing me out!
PS: I'll happily send all our 'sketters your way. We have a bumper crop this year.
Hope your day was a happy one gal. ~:)
Oh- That just puts a lump in my throat. My Uncle that lived next door raised sheep and I don't remember any of them living very long. How sweet that she has a guardian.
Glad your swallows are back. I can't wait for it to warm up for us-xo Diana
Give Sadie a big hug from me!
I love your photos! I am so glad you have Spring there! Our swallows are back, too :o)))!!!
it all sounds wonderful, like the kind of place most of us just dream about, grin! have a great day!
Sounds like heaven to me. Give snuggles for me, will you?