Karen, at This Old House, is hosting Project 24. For 24 hours, beginning at midnight, October 31, until midnight November 1, volunteers take photos that represents something about them. Here, the power has been off with brief spurts of on, making it a challenge to send Karen my photo. This morning, the power is on so, in a scurry, I’m fulfilling my obligation.
My mornings begin with basic necessities, followed by my morning meet-up.
All my life I’ve watched Daddy read five chapters of the Bible each and every day. He has a slip of paper where he records yearly when he’s finished his Bible reading and he’s now been reading his Bible about forty-five years! I’ve also watched as Mom studied the Bible, sometimes with a study guide on a particular book, other times the Word alone.
Joyce Meyer said, “Spending time with God is the key to our strength and success in all areas of life. Be sure that you never try and work God into your schedule, but always work your schedule around him.” Wise words indeed! I don’t know if my day goes any easier or smoother when I meet with God in the early morning but I do know I’m better equipped to handle my day.
So, most mornings, I have a meet-up with God..reading His Word, praying, listening to His Word via radio. There are some mornings, I’m sorry to say, I miss our meeting but, mostly, He and I spend morning time together. In the mornings, I read five chapters of the Bible and am currently reading about David and Saul’s contentious relationship and David and Jonathan’s loving friendship. Charles Spurgeon‘s Morning and Evening is included in my morning read as is a devotional from Joel Osteen‘s book Be A Better You. If your’re unfamiliar with Spurgeon’s Farm Sermons, please click here to read them…priceless!…but then, all his work is priceless!
Perhaps you can tell I, mostly, like “meat and ‘taters” but I also like a little dessert thrown in the mix. smile
I’m not sure how Karen fared in this storm so keep checking her blog for Project 24 progress. It was fun joining in and I’m curious to see the other 23 hours. Thanks Karen!
Blessings ~ Karen ~ Project 24 ~ God’s word ~ Spurgeon ~ Osteen ~ God ~
Precious rituals & lovely photos Sandra. Love the cuppa sitting alongside.
How's your back, by the way?
Love & blessings..Catherine x0x0x
This is both encouraging and inspiring. Thanks for sharing, Sandra. God bless. 🙂
Great idea and great shots. 🙂
That is so wonderful that reading the bible every day has been part of your family's tradition for so many years! I read the bible daily as well, but usually at night before going to bed. I also love Joyce Meyer and the insight she gives on the the scriptures. I have read many of her books and listen to her CDs in my car on the way to work and home. I love these pictures of the the bible with the candles…the scriptures sure light our way. Enjoy the rest of the week!
Thankful to get this update from you, Sandra.
I wake very early and spend time in prayer in the quiet morning.
Your photos are just wonderful. God bless,
Wonderful celebration!
Glad to hear you're ok. Did you get much snow/blow?
You have a great heritage! Thank you for the link to Spurgeon.
Just a lovely bunch of things to read together and how your parents read their Bible. I like that so much.
I thought seeing your candles all lit like that Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path.
I feel like I have no clothes on each day if I don't start it by being clothed in God's Word. I don't know now how I would ever get through the day with out it. I am glad your power is back on.
I love your photos of the candles and mirror, coffee and your book. I can imagine you there each morning, beginning your day. xo
Meeting God early in the morning: it is very important!!! I know my day goes much easier when I meet with God in the early morning :o)))
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. "Matthew 6:33 It's so true!!!
Hello Sandra:
How lovely it is to have a glimpse through a virtual window into your everyday life.
We are pleased that you are safe and coping after the storm. Our thoughts are with you and with all those suffering distress.