“All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful
for those who keep the demands of His covenant.”
~ Psalms 25:10 ~
“To recognize with delight all high and generous and beautiful actions; to find a joy even in seeing the good qualities of your bitterest opponents, and to admire those qualities even in those with whom you have least sympathy; be it either the Romanist or the Unitarian, this is the only spirit which can heal the love of slander and of calumny.”
~ F. W. Robertson ~
“In peace, Love tunes the shepherd’s reed;
In war, he mounts the warrior’s steed;
In halls, in gay attire is seen:
in Hamlets, dances on the green.
Love rules the court, the camp, the grove,
And men below, and saints above;
For love is heaven, and heaven is love.”
~ Sir Walter Scott ~
“Thou shalt love the Lord the God with thy whole heart, with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind.” This is the commandment of the great God, and He cannot command the impossible. Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.” ~ Mother Teresa ~
“Some people you have to love from a distance.”
~ me ~
“Where do you pasture your flock, O good shepherd, you who take on your shoulders the whole flock, for the whole of human nature that you take on your shoulders forms one sheep. Show me the place of green pastures and the restful waters, lead me to the grass that nourishes, call me by name, so that I who am your sheep may hear your voice. Give me by your voice eternal life. Speak to me, you whom my soul loves.
This is how I name you, for your names is above every name and cannot be uttered or comprehended by any rational nature. Your name, which reveals your goodness, is the love my soul has for you. How can I not love you who loved me, even though I was black, so much that you laid down your life for the other sheep whose shepherd you are? Greater love than this cannot be conceived, that you should purchase my salvation with your life.”
“Father of spirits, this my sovereign plea
I bring again and yet again to Thee.
Fulfill me now with love, that I may know
A daily inflow; daily overflow.
For love, for love, my Lord was crucified,
With cords of love He bound me to His side.
Pour through me now; I yield myself to Thee,
O Lord that led my Lord to Calvary.
~ Amy Carmichael ~
“This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love: they more they give, the more they possess of that precious, nourishing love from which flowers and children have their strength and which could help all human beings if they would take it without doubting.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~
“The man who says, “I know him,”
but does not do what he commands is a liar,
and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word,
God’s love is truly made complete in him.
This is how we know we are in him;
Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.”
~ John 2:4-6 ~
If you’d like a name added to the prayer list, please let me know. Unless told otherwise, names will be kept on the list for a month; around the world, people are praying.
Prayer Keeping ~ Maxine ~ Pamela ~ Sandy ~ Katie ~ Raeann ~ Geoffrey and Terry ~ Misha and J ~ Jane and Lance ~ Stephanie and family ~ Steve and Gwen ~ Quesenberry ~ Jill ~ Renee ~ Quesenberry family ~ Jessica and Erik ~ Debbie ~ Maryann and family ~ me ~
Welcome Family, as always, I'm preaching to the choir but always glad when others enjoy.
Farm Girl, you're so kind; thank you! Sometimes, I'm the one who needs loving from a distance -grin-.
Affectioknit – Mother Teresa is always good for a quote.
Gretchen, comfort is underrated, don't you think?
Glenda, thank you for enjoying Sabbath Keeping; you're a delight.
Karen, sometimes I'm the person one needs to love from a distance – grin.
Yvonne, hope you're doing well if not better!
Camille, I always do better when I observe the Sabbath; the rest of the week goes smoother.
GED Online, thanks for visiting Sabbath Keeping today.
Beautiful quotes :)*
Beautiful quotes :)*
How wonderful it is that the LORD gave us a day to worship HIM! May we truly keep it for HIS glory. And, may we love HIM more and more!
Many Blessings to you Sandra!
Love those quotes. The ME thing to. Beautifil Sunday Post.
I like the "me" quote, too…and the reflection by Rilke concerning on giving and accepting love without doubting were my favorites today…I hope you have a good week, Sandra….
Daily inflow … daily overflow.
Love that.
Thank you, Sandra! that St Gregory of Nyssa quote is very comforting, like our Shepherd….
I love the quote from Mother Teresa…
~Have a lovely day!
Lovely sentiments, but I have to say, out of the whole list my favorite was the one signed me. 🙂
I love that and I agree totally there are people you do have to love at a distance. Not to mention it is much safer. If you notice Jesus never went looking for the religious leaders, they found Him.
That has been my experience thus far, that the ones that are hard to love come looking for you when you are minding your own business. 🙂
I need them all of these sayings today.
I hope you have a lovely week.
As always, love your Sunday posts 🙂