Do you notice as the days, weeks, months, years pass there’s less of you and more of work? It seems more difficult to get as much out of the days as before. Before what? you may ask. Well, before that last birthday; actually, before the last decade of birthdays. Seven loads of laundry means the washer is going all day and with the wind blowing at 15 mph, it also meant the laundry dried lickety split. A good thing because I could get more laundry done; a bad thing because it meant I kept doing laundry all day. And, come to think of it, I didn’t get all the laundry finished. The children spent Easter with me and all their bed linens still need to be washed. Lawz, there’s always something!
While I was on the ground, taking the first photo, I decided to take a photo down the valley. Or, rather, up the valley as the farm sits at the toe and the head of the valley is the direction you now see.
As of yesterday, the house still smoldered but rain began last night and it’s still raining as of Wednesday night so the fire should go out. It’s been a full week; the fire started last Wednesday. I caught up with Russell’s wife, daughter and grand-son; they said Russell is terribly despondent. I asked them to ask Russell to please call me as I have some good news. People have donated a lot of things…furniture, household goods, clothing, food, personal items, money…and we’d love to help them set up housekeeping. My heart breaks for the family; they have so many troubles beyond their home being lost; please keep them in your prayers.
Yesterday, Donna made me a delicious lunch and we caught up for the first time in ages. People are being so kind and it’s so appreciated; small acts of kindness are a gift and a blessing. It’s been a rich week because today
Peggy met me for lunch and asked how was I doing. I told her I thought okay and then, when I went to get in my car and leave…the battery was dead because I’d left the lights on. Yes, as a matter of fact the bell does ding but, for whatever reason, I never heard the bell. For the second time since last Wednesday, I never heard the bell and my battery died. Neither one of us had jumper cables so I asked a gentleman in an equipment store if he would help me. He worked in a store that sold small farm and home equipment and said yes and brought this handy machine to my car.
Your place looks beautiful. I love your header photo! Reminds me of our place in the mountains.
I am sorry about the family who lost their home. That would be so traumatic.
Thank you for visiting me! I hope to stay in touch!
That is a handy gadget to have!
I'm impressed you trim your horses hooves yourself. I have never tried it, in all the years I've had horses.
You are so busy! The Lord gives you lots of strength.
Maybe tomorrow you can put your feet up for a little while.
Bless you!
Oh, Sandra, you ARE busy!!! But I am so glad every time I read your posts :o)!
We have quite good Spring here and today it will be sunny, so I would like to wash the clothes, too :o)
I am thankful to Daniel helping you in the farm!!!
Take care!!!
Hello Sandra:
Work, work work!! Oh dear! But, we do understand how there must always be things to be done, both in the house and on the farm, and better to tackle these jobs than to wish them completed.
But such bad luck about the flat battery and so annoying but we are really pleased that there was someone on hand to come to the rescue for you.
Russell and his family have been very much in our thoughts. The whole situation is so very distressing and we are not at all surprised to learn that he is finding life depressing. How good it is that the community is rallying around in the ways in which you describe.
Now, take great care, Sandra, and do not work too hard. Let those potatoes be in straight rows rather than your normal curvy ones!!
Farm life sounds busy.
From your city friend,
ps. Glad you had some great people in your life this week.
you have blessed my heart with this post!
People are lovely + you are a people = you are LOVELY !
So glad you are being loved.
"It's ok to keep your grief,
as long as you have room
for other things."
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
> < } } (°>
I'm getting very tired just reading about your day! We just happen to be going out of town tomorrow, where there is a Sam's Club, and we are members. We are going to look at it!
my goodness! you do live a busy life!
i'm so sorry for your neighbor's terrible
Song of the Worker Woman . . , should be a Sandra song. You are a dynamo . . .
Thank you for your comments on my detergent post. I also tried the vinegar in the rinse cycle. I loved it. Please let me know where I can send a donation for this family. I would like to help.
O, my , yes! Run, don't walk, to Sam's and get that gadget for your car. Skip a meal if you have to, but get that gadget. Think we need to look into it, too.
Besides a lot of hard work, your day sounds so interesting. And if I had a place for it, I would have clotheslines, too.
The view up the valley is priceless. Thank you for sharing it.
DH put a young homeless man, who was looking for work, on the rototiller yesterday. I heard him out there grinding away for the longest time. DH came home and immediately put him on the lawnmower. Seems he had done a good deep job on the rototiller…. tilling up the garden path!!! Poor dear needed more supervision. 🙂
Happy spring to you!
Sandra, it sounds as though you're picking up the pieces, no pun intended. Maybe we can do a post about Russell and family and ask for contributions of any amount. People could donate via PayPal to any one of us who has an account, and all the money would go to you to distribute.
This really hits home hard, doesn't it? Right in your own back yard to see someone homeless from this tragedy. It makes me want to cry. I'll do whatever you tell me. Seriously. If I have something I should share it with people who don't…isn't that what the Lord wants us to do? Sending love, precious.