~the moon pours light on the sea ~
“October is a symphony of permanence and change.”
~ B. W. Overstreet ~
Even the rainy days are golden when looked at with a certain light in one’s eyes. Recently, I read, “today is tomorrow’s yesterday” and that gave me pause. In a manner of speaking, our future is now, caught between yesterday and tomorrow, one that was and one that isn’t. In an effort to live purposefully, with intent and totally in the moment, we I have to push back tomorrow. Don’t you find it difficult? The planning for the future yet preparing for the end? The whole hearted gulping of now, the embracing of today. Helen Keller said, “Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind…Hear the music of voices, the song of the bird, the mighty strains of an orchestra, as if you would be stricken deaf tomorrow. touch each object as if tomorrow your tactile sense would fail. Smell the perfume of the flowers, taste with relish each morsel, as if tomorrow you could never smell and tates again. make the most of every sense; glory in all the facets of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you.” She would know, wouldn’t you agree, about “the pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you.”
“Grace growest best in winter,” said Samuel Rytherford and he would know; click on his name to read more about him. The farm is prepared, mostly, for winter; hay for the horses and sheep is both in the barn and in the hay lot; garden produce has been canned, dried and frozen, supplies laid in and hand work close at hand. As best I can, we’re prepared; I’ve done my part and am now, as always, totally dependent upon God for His grace and mercy. In the meantime, Dave and I are spending a few splendid days at the beach, visiting my BFF, eating delicious seafood, storing up vitamin D in the form of sunshine, resting, relaxing, regrouping for the tomorrow’s that will face us all.
~ God’s Grace for the journey ~
Almost every day, Sandra K., the other Sandra, and I have had great…to us anyway but we’re simple sisters…adventures and nary a thrift store has been safe! Sandra is an artist and a university prof and we’ve been friends for more than thirty years which hardly seems possible! She’s a friend who loves unconditionally, listens without judgement and is unreserved in her happiness for, not only me, but other people. Just yesterday, I saw her rejoice with a complete stranger over that stranger’s “find” in a store.
Other “friends” who don’t do any of those things, pale in comparison and, in time, drop behind. One of many lessons life has taught me is No is perfectly acceptable, both to say and to hear, and it’s okay to move ahead. As a matter of fact, it’s perfectly wonderful to move ahead; people can make the choice to catch up or stay behind but each of us is only responsible for ourselves. People can’t be tugged along if fear keeps them from moving but isn’t fear simply a catalyst for forward motion? God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Thank You, God, I’ll take that every day!
What keeps you from moving ahead?
Blessings ~ grace for the journey ~ power ~ love ~ a sound mind ~
KathyB. says
So many true words Sandra.I also very much appreciate the words written by the people commenting on your post.
I want to publicly thank you for the last e-mail letter you sent. I have been thinking about it a lot, but what comes to mind mostly is that there are three words, no four, descriptive words I think of when I think of you :"God-loving","God-fearing" ,"Intrepid", and "FEISTY"! The first two descriptions embrace all that comes with being a lover of Jesus.
I am so thankful to be able to call you friend, albeit only on-line.
goatldi says
And as John Lennon said "Life is what happens when you are making other plans."
What keeps us moving ahead these days is after almost 5 years in a location that we landed in by accident which was not what we thought, 3.5 years on the market, our house is in escrow and we are moving our farm to our last home on earth.
We are very delighted to know that we will be moving ourselves, our critters in three weeks to a lovely log house on 42 acres totally off grid.
Praise God and let the adventure begin!
Pom Pom says
Your words are true, true, true. That pink sandpiper bird is LOVELY!
I am so happy that you have the "other Sandra" and that she has you.
I do get stuck at times . . . sometimes I want others to "make" me happy.
Great post.
Anonymous says
Oh, I love that boat named 'God's Grace!'
ain't for city gals says
About ten years ago my husband and myself were camping. We were sitting around the campfire and I asked myself "If this was my last night on earth would I be sitting right here…and I had to say yes, I would"…From then on I have been totally at peace with my life..I try to have No Fear. And right now my dad is showing me that if you do what you want in life you will have no regrets at the end.
Ron aka TheOldGeezer says
Sandra, you are blessed to have a friend like Sandra K. Friends come and go throughout life and if a person has one or two in the later years they are most truly blessed.
Whimsey Creations says
I do tend to push back tomorrow. And what keeps me from moving ahead? Fear plain and simple. Fear that tomorrow won't be "as good" as today. Grace is knowing that whatever tomorrow holds, it's in God's plan for me and He will lead me through it.
Kelly says
It is so nice to have a thrift store shopper to look through those bargains. I have always felt that today was the most important. Past we can't change. Future, well just make plans and see how that works out. So I guess making the best of today, making memories that I hope I will be able to remember. Those are important to me. What keeps me going.
LindaSueBuhl says
that old standard "fear" – yet I know fear not is a frequent reminder in scripture. Seems better when I keep my head pointed forward and quit thinking "last year we could do this or that–5 years ago we could plan vacations" – past is passed and now is all we have. Now and God – really all we need isn't it? SOOOOO thrilled you have a flesh and blood friend like Sandra –she is a tonic to your soul!
Grace and mercy – and a good sense of humor – my favorite mixture!