~ Carly and Sam ~
Sam P. Spade, Secret Agent, is the bravest thing on four legs; especially when his four legs are in a place of safety under my skirt! Sam is smart; he realizes he’s not as big as Carly Shetland and, always, seeks refuge under my skirt when Carly comes to either investigate or receive her treat of corn.
~Jake B. Goode, ~
our most recent foundling dumped dog visitor has found a new home. Dave and I hated to let him go but it was for the best. Just last night, prior to his new human retrieving him, Daniel told us Jake had dug out under the fence, was traveling around at night, then returning in the morning. Jake was always here around 7 but almost never at 6, when I’d arise to let the other dogs out. Now I know why.
How goes it with your blog? Are you happy with it? Generally, I’m happy with mine although there are some tweaks I’d like to do…when God makes a 36 hour day…snort, chuckle, LOL…until then, I just wander around Blogland and find folks who are willing to help like Funky Junk Interiors. Check out her link and tell me if that’s not fabulous, eh? I wish I could tell her how much help she’s been but, for some reason ??? I can, hardly ever, comment on her type comment blocks. The one where you have to “Comment as” then “select profile” well, that almost never pops up, anymore, as Thistle Cove Farm and when I try to do other types responses, it always fails. So, if you have this type comment block, please know I have tried to comment but to no success. Glenda, you come to mind here as well. And, if you’re able to comment at Funky Junk, please let her know I am grateful for her post.
~ Ms. Daniel, center, speaking to former students ~
Back Yard Neighbor has a fabulous post regarding 9.11.2001. You may recall, President Bush was in Sandra Kay Daniels’ classroom at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida where second grader’s read The Pet Goat to the President. In Back Yard Neighbor Jeanne’s blog entry, those same second grader’s, now ten years older, recount their memories of that historic event. President Bush was later criticized because he chose to honor his commitment to those second graders and stay with them while they finished reading to him. I agree with Chantal Guerrero who said, “I think if he would have panicked that was the tone he was setting for the whole country. If he wanted the country to stay calm, he needed to show that he was calm.” Thank you, former President Bush.
Compared to our current President, all I can say is:
I am sorely disillusioned with our current President; so disillusioned, in fact, I cannot say anything that isn’t nice so I’ll just not say anything at all. Perhaps, though, for the first time ever in my life I don’t regret not having children.
~ my place of safety ~
Where is your place of safety? Where do you go when the cold storms blow? When you need comfort, sanctuary, warmth, coziness, love; where is it you go and what do you find there? Autumn is the time of year that I take down our billowy curtains and hang our heavy velvet drapes. It’s time to prepare the house and ourselves for the November rains and cold winds and the deep sleep of winter that follows. Cotton blankets are exchanged for wool blankets, cotton sheets for flannel and, in guest bedrooms, electric blankets are put on beds. Summer clothing is put away and cozy sweaters and wool socks placed in easy reach. Every sofa, and a lot of chairs, have shawls or throws draped on them and baskets of knitting, embroidery and the quilting rack are readied. The tea kettle is always on the counter but heavier teas such as Lapsang Souchong are placed by the kettle and the oil and propane tanks are filled in readiness. My place of safety is being prepared; what are the top three things you’re doing to prepare?
Blessings ~ full oil and propane tanks ~ tea ~ wool blankets ~ heavy drapes ~ a place of safety ~
Hello Sandra and Dave:
It is always such a good feeling to put everything outside'to bed' for the winter and to create a cosy haven indoors in order to weather the worst of dark days and long nights.
Rather than prepare for winter, we have been doing everything to hold on to summer here in Budapest. With teperatures still at around 30C we have been spending time at Lake Balaton and eating ice cream as we watched the sailing boats drift by. Too soon yet to close the shutters and to have the heating on all day and all night. But, those sub zero temperatures will come…..!!
We hope that you are both keeping well and that the farm is returning to its usual hum of a well oiled routine after your big adventure away, Sandra. We are so glad that Jake found a good home and that no great escapes under the fence will be forthcoming!!!
Hi Thistle!
I was reading from The Best of Stillmeadow this morning and feeling very cozy and fall-ish! I have my rainbow shawl (I actually finished a knitting project that I USE-shocker!) on my lap and I am thankful for the dark morning and what my day holds. I like reading your posts. I LOVE dog posts, for I am dog deprived at the moment.
We still have warm Autumn…(86 Fahrenheit)…So we enjoy the sunshine, but I would be happy for some rain….
But hot tea, warm blankets are always good at the evenings…:o)
I like the photo of Sam P. Spade…:o) Your dogs are so lovely…like their owner :o)))
And your farm house is beautiful!!!
I understand your problem about the comments at Funky Junk Interiors and I have the same problem, when I use Firefox…BUT now I use Opera (it's like firefox…but better :o) ) and with this, I am able to write comment….:o)
We prepare for winter by stocking the woodshed, storing candles near-by ( power outages are very common) having water stored, and my pantry has items for wood-stove cooking.Batteries for the radio and tiny C.D. player are nearby.We hang curtains between the sun-room and the rest of the house as the sun-room becomes very cold, a cold that spreads quickly throughout or saps up and sends outside all the heat within.
I tend to be fearful when I listen to or see Pres. B.O., but remind myself God is in control of all things. He has allowed this man to be the Pres., so I need to trust & pray, and I do. Especially for my children & grandchildren.
Hot coffee,soup, and home-made breads are what is served here during the cold months.Also, spinning and weaving my wool, and cuddling my husband as we watch T.V. together. Simple, warming things.
The scenery of your farm is gorgeous, and so is your home. Enjoyed following along on your trip abroad, and sounds like you are settling in back at home now. 🙂 I have been enjoying my blog and making new friends in blog land. Also fun to see how creative and inspiring others are.
There is so much comfort in this post today! Preparing for winter, coccooning, in an old house is a ritual that most people don't quite understand. I love this place and the feeling that I get from preparing for winter. (Now that I look at it, your front porch looks to be very similar to the one that I am designing for OUR old house.)
Since you asked, right now I am happy with my blog. Over the years, I have gradually migrated from my original garden-only subjects to a mix of themes that present a more balanced picture of myself. This is very satisfying, and a way to keep myself focused and balanced.
I love your home — so picturesque with the large tree turning gold already.
We are very fortunate to have a great wood stove and lots of wood and a full propane tank (although we never use the wall burners.)
Would love to see a photo of your home, same view, in a month or so, to see the tree again. 🙂
Your farm house looks beautiful. It has been far too long since I've visited. The way you explain your cozy rituals, preparing the home for winter, getting out the throws and sweaters, setting out tea by the kettle: ah, I'm there! Georgia is always a little late in receiving fall, but this year, we've been blessed to have cooler weather already! I'm looking forward to sweater weather! Enjoy your fall preparations.
I like you will say nothing about current President – we continue to pray for the leaders of this country (as instructed in scriptures) and one part of the prayer is that they come face to face with TRUTH – would be a shocking experience I think. Not at all fall like here – but if I can recall – I go to bed when cold storms blow, with hubby and two tiny dogs and wonderful fluffy down comforter and a good book. But we are preparing to move to a much smaller nest than our current home – so hoping the cold winter winds will stay away for a time.
Blogger has been a real BOO-GER again …
There are days I wish I didn't have children, particularly in this day & age with THAT devil-human running our country … but then I wouldn't have the delights of our lives, our kid-lings. Some days it brings tears tomy eyes literally, knowing WELL what they face in their lifetimes & much more even than I can surmise. 🙁
Hope Dave & you are doing well, sweet friend. So love your home … very welcoming front & beautiful setting.
Your farmhouse looks so much like the farmhouse I lived in as a kid in Washington County, VA. I have a picture of me on the steps on my blog – I need to dig it out to show you at some point.
A lot of people have had trouble commenting lately. Seems Blogger has many glitches.