~ praise to God ~
“How many are your works, O Lord!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.”
~ Psalms 104:24 ~
“Christian life means a walking; it goes by steps. There is a straight fence run for us between right and wrong. There is no sitting on that fence. No, only walking, one side or other. You can hardly look across without stepping through.” ~ R. W. Barbour ~
“If we only have the will to walk,
then God is pleased with our stumbles.”
~ C. S. Lewis ~
“Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene.” ~ A. C. Benson ~
“Christianity is not a theory or speculation, but a life;
not a philosophy of life, but a living presence.”
~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge ~
“I have a great need for Christ;
I have a great Christ for my need.”
~ Charles H. Spurgeon ~
“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting.
It has been found difficult and left untried.”
~ G. K. Chesterton ~
“You can give without loving.
But you cannot love without giving.”
~ Amy Carmichael ~
“People need loving the most when they deserve it the least.” ~ John Harrison ~
“If you live close to God
And His infinite grace,
You don’t have to tell;
It shows on your face.”
And His infinite grace,
You don’t have to tell;
It shows on your face.”
~ unknown ~
“I am willing…” ~ Matthew 8:3 ~
If you’d like your name added to the prayer list, please let me know.
Prayer Keeping ~ Liz and her sons ~ William and Catherine ~ Leslie ~ Becky ~ Rick ~Misha ~ J ~ Linda ~ Linda and Skip ~ Ryan ~ Roy ~ Tonya ~ Dave ~ me ~
{ T G L } says
I'm not a Christian but can relate to the message of many of these quotes. When it comes to Sabbath keeping, I will add one of one of my favorite writers: Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.
He said, 'The Sabbath is a Palace in Time'. It's all about building the Shabbat attitude for rest and resouling and then putting gentle structures in place to facilitate that rest.
This Good Life
Wobegon Cottage says
Beautiful..I guess I must keep walking and not give up:)
Timi says
I like what Amy Carmichael and John Harrison said…
Thank you!!!
Deanna says
Sweet Blessings to you!
myletterstoemily says
dear sandra,
thank you for another sunday sabbath
meditation. you find the most thought
provoking quotes.
It is Sabbath day and it is time for some Sabbath Keeping . . . which I always look forward to reading.
Thanks, Dearest.
Sally says
Thank you once again for these wonderful Sunday Sabbath Keepings. You're a treasure, Sandra. ((hugs))
LindaSueBuhl says
I was so glad to see your Sabbath Keeping appear on my list of updated blogs – always good thoughts, often a smile and the special connection of one walker on the road of Christianity to another walker – same road different places and same goal. Bless you – we are praying.
misha says
I agree with jane and Lance 🙂
I appreciate the time you take also for Sabbath Keeping~every week!
And I think of both of you each day.
xo, misha
Jane and Lance Hattatt says
Hello Sandra and Dave:
We are sure that we are not alone in appreciating the time and trouble which you take each Sunday to share these thoughts and ideas.
They help to make a Sunday different from the rest of the week which is, we feel, as it should be.