For years and years, I’ve used red ribbons on green wreaths at the driveway. This year, I went bright green ribbons on the same wreaths and it was like a shot in the arm! No, it’s not very traditional but it is lovely and looks rather fetching with the long streamers blowing in the wind. There are two such wreaths, one on either side of the driveway gate.
The front porch has traditional wreaths, one on either side of the front door. Not as fetching as the bright green ribbon but still rather stately and Christmassy. I’m one of “those people” who shop after Christmas sales and buy huge ribbons for twenty-five cents, wreaths for fifty cents and green ribbon for pennies on the dollar as well. I figure all that goodness can stay in my garden shed just as easily as at the store and be put to good use this time next year. Besides, when things are hung in the strong weather we get on the farm, they only last a couple of years so buying on sale is a great way to keep things looking Christmassy but not at a huge expense.
Blessings ~ sales ~ ribbons ~ wreaths ~ tradition ~ new favorites ~
Merry Christmas,
Lady Farmer says
What a pleasant welcome to your farm ~ wreaths on either side of the drive! I must keep that in mind when I am shopping after Christmas!
I do love the green ribbon, too! Really catches your eye!
Hartwood Roses says
Your wreaths are lovely! I concur with everyone else … the green ribbon is very original and a real nice surprise. After Christmas sales are the coolest! As you said, pennies on the dollar, and no guilt.
Deanna says
Love the green ribbon!!!
Deborah says
I love the green ribbon! I can just imagine how festive your home is!
Whimsey Creations says
The green ribbon looks great – love it!
Karen says
Heaven knows we could all use a shot in the arm!.. love the green.
Paula says
I have to say, Sandra- I can't choose a favorite because I like them both!! The bright green is sooo pretty, but the red is too. I love ribbons and bows- I think they make all Christmas decorations prettier!
myletterstoemily says
i LOVE your green ribbons. so elegant
and lovely, blowing in the wind.
this year, i'm going to buy some pretty
green ribbon after Christmas, too!