Dave and I were doing errands last week and as we slowed for traffic, saw this bus. Many decades ago, I attended Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs, GA. It’s a Pentecostal Holiness college and, back then, wasn’t accredited nor was it a four year college. Going to EC wasn’t my idea, it was Mom’s idea. She wanted me to be in a safe environment, at least safer than she perceived VA Commonwealth University to be in downtown Richmond. I wasn’t even out of my teens and perceived myself to be…I’m not even sure now what my perceptions were but I wanted to attend VCU. Mom said, “no”. If you’re going to college, you’re going to EC and so I did but not happily.
EC was, then, quite very extremely strict. Girls couldn’t leave campus unless they were in pairs, girls couldn’t wear pants unless in gym class or on the athletic field, students couldn’t date unless it was approved and the girls dorm mother, Miss Law, was stern and a bit rigid took her duties seriously, very seriously. To show you how much it’s changed, click here. You see that boy and girl, back to back, leaning against each other? No way would that have happened “back in the day” much less been made public! That was waaaaayyyyy too much public physical contact!
If you’re wondering why Mom chose EC, it’s because of her Daddy. He was a Pentecostal Holiness circuit rider preacher and, each Sunday, would minister to a different country church. Some times I’d be allowed to go with him…how exciting!… and well remember him receiving a dozen fresh eggs or, at Christmas, perhaps a ham and these gifts, sometimes often, in lieu of money. Times were more difficult and money less available but people were generous with what they had and they had food. He was a fine man, a Godly man, a man after God’s own heart and still missed by all who knew him. He could play the violin and banjo and I like to think of him in the heavenly’s playing his instruments for God’s glory.
My heritage, both physical and spiritual, is rich, rich, rich. My people are Appalachian, for many, many generations and came here via Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. On both sides of the family preachers are in abundance and Granddaddy Samp, another fine fiddle player, was the first minister in Webster County, WV.
And now? Now, I’m so glad I went to EC and wish I’d stayed the entire two years. I didn’t. I went home after the first year and, eventually, was graduated from VCU. I’m not unhappy about any of it but do wish I’d made different decisions. God has protected me from my bad decisions, down through the years, and I just shake my head at the wonder of it all. Bless His name.
What’s your heritage? Where do you go and what do you do when times get hard? Times will, you know…get hard. The Good Book says so but it also says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you“. I cling to that promise and all His promises. The Bible also says it’s impossible for God to lie so cling to His promises, all of them. Remind Him, daily, of His promises and not because He needs reminding but because you we do. All of us need to be reminded and the best way to to read the Good Book, daily. Trust Jesus, it’s the only way you’ll get through life with any hope of heavenly eternity.
Rebecca Writes hosts a grateful November and today always, my heart is grateful for God’s promises. They are my soul preserver, bless His name forever.
Blessings ~ KJV Bible ~ God’s promises ~ Rebecca ~ EC ~ VCU ~ Godly family ~ Appalachia ~
Grace and Peace,
You may know my friend, Dana, at http://boysmyjoys.blogspot.com/
She attended EC also. I'm not sure when, but who knows? You two may know each other.
Thanks. What a beautiful post to read today. I was at VCU for 1 semester then got my MRS. My family too is from Scotland, England and…Hungary! My Gpa's family settled in those mountains of yours and they call my heart back there….I can't wait until we retire…hoping that the Lord will allow us to return to those beautiful mountains. We'll see. It's all in His plan and timing. For today I have to just rest or I will go stark mad. Rest in the shadow of His wings.
Ah Sandra – you are wise not to have woulda, coulda, shoulda ruin what simply DID happen. I made tremendous mistakes and refused wise counsel so often – but the Lord sees us through time. I trust in the wisdom in Isaiah 55 – nothing is wasted in God's Plan.
My mother's family were basic fundamental baptists (from Missouri and Texas) – my father's family a good deal more complicated spiritually – similar ethnic heritages to yours.
I also turn to the beauty of God's creation – had a semi rough day today (of course was MY reactions not the events themselves) and this evening found peace again while walking in the pasture with our goats and watching neighbor's longhorns.
Very interesting about your mom's dad. You must have fond memories of traveling with him occasionally. I had a friend while at Truett McConnell College in Cleveland GA who had first attended Emmanuel College. Like you, I look back and wonder why I made some of the choices I did, but thankfully God has been with me every step of the way. Love to you and yours this weekend Sandra.
a beautiful post today…
when times get hard…and they have…oh, yes they have…i turn to God…and let it all go to His hands….
sending you blessings and prayer
This post is beautiful. I like the message you put out. I attended an all girls Catholic high school. Not my first choice. But the values that my parents had, good solid Christian vlaues have never left me and I think I am a better person because of that education. Everyone I know, male and female that were stranded in these strict schools are some of the very best people I know. I love the egg story with your dad too. How truly blessed you are. Thank you today for sharing. My life has been so hectic trying to get into this new place and your post lifted my spirits. Thanks you and please come see me soon. Anne