We’ve been so blessed with fabulous dogs and Sadie is no exception. She’ll be two in March so is still a puppy, albeit a rather large puppy, playing and romping with the abandon of an animal who knows she’s loved unconditionally. She’s trained, but not as well as she will be; she obeys, but not as good well as she eventually will. As an aside…earlier, Sadie was half in my lap when I was typing and I kept saying “good girl, good girl” and now you know I don’t multi-task as well as some -smile-. I’m rather laid back when it comes to training. Sadie won’t be a show dog, although you can see she has star potential, rather she’ll be a companion, protector of humans, home and farm. If she proves to be like Shaddie, her predecessor, she’ll be excellent at her jobs.
Very seriously, Sam takes his protection detail and is, generally, to be found wandering the perimeter, on guard. “Hey! You looking at ME?”
Abbie, now a senior citizen, watches from the couch. She’s earned her rest although she’s always first one out the door when it’s time to do chores.
My heart is grateful for daily duties, home made bread, hot soup…food of both the physical and spiritual kind…, rain for a thirsty earth, oncoming winter and God’s strength, mercy and grace. He alone knows how much we’ll need in the coming days.
Blessings ~ JOY ~
Grace and Peace,
LindaSueBuhl says
dogs are a job, a joy and sometimes tell us a joke with their antics!
Kathleen From Eggs In My Pocket says
What sweet companions! Loved this lovely post! blessings,Kathleen
Sara says
Oh I love your dogs. We lost our's a couple of months ago, and it has left a huge whole in our lives. But I am grateful for having her as long as we did.
That is one of my all time favourite quotes. It speaks to my soul… it is life.
Take care. xx
KathyB. says
Amen! A post to calm the heart and warm my soul. The dogs are so special, even if they aren't quite as trained as we think they should be~I do very much like that quote from Robert Louis Stevens.
Life is good! says
i must say there are some days(many) that i enjoy animals more that people. they don't complain, they don't cut you off in traffic and they are NEVER rude, well except my cat, she can be! have a great weekend!
myletterstoemily says
such sweet hard working dogs, doing what
they love to do. we could learn a thing or
two from them!
LuLu Kellogg says
Oh Sandra…I love your Fur Babies!
Karen says
I'm still coveting Abbie. and.. lovely post.
Timi says
I love your dogs! They are so lovely :o)!
I like what Robert Louis Stevenson said…it's very true!
God bless you!
Deborah Ann says
You are quite the poet, Sandra! I feel like I'm right there with you, on Thistle Cove Farm. I can almost hear the wind blowing.
Abbie is just precious!
I'm lifting Dave in prayer each morning. Please keep me posted…
from my front porch... says
I am grateful for J, good friends :), healthy animals, and the way God always teaches me a lesson through them! If I am too much into self, I won't notice the lessons, and I miss out!
Happy day to you both, Sandra! Give your pups a kiss from me!
xo, misha
Anonymous says
Good Afternoon Sandra, All three dogs are precious. Sadie is very striking and I love her shadow in that first photo.
We are having rainy, cooler weather in GA and John and I are wrestling with a cold but like you, I am thankful for daily chores, a warm lunch, pets who adore us and make us laugh, and good blog friends who lift our spirits. Thank you for your prayers and know that I keep you and your husband close in my heart and prayers throughout each day.