“Tell the Israelites to move on.” ~ Exodus 14:15 ~
“Be trustful, be steadfast, whatever betide thee,
Only one thing do thou ask of the Lord.
Grace to go forward wherever He guide thee,
Simply believing the truth of His word.”
~ Author unknown ~
“He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink, hide my future from me, still He knows what He is about.” ~ John Henry Newman ~
“Give me my scallop shell of quiet,
My staff of faith to walk upon,
My scrip of joy, immortal diet,
My bottle of salvation,
my gown of glory, hope’s true gage
And thus I’ll take my pilgrimage.”
“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”
~ Luke 9:62 ~
Dei Gratia,
Jen Chandler says
Hi Sandra,
I was just thinking about you this morning. I hope all is well with you and the farm.
Happy Wednesday,
Life is good! says
i must thank you for all of your posts, but especially your Sabbath keeping ones. They are always so wonderful and great to think about!
Esther says
It's already Monday on my side of the world, but I always tell my daughters on Sunday, that we should consider ourselves as lillies of the field – no labouring, no spinning.
Have a beautiful Sunday.
Midlife Jobhunter says
"No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
Yes, looking forward is always best. Thanks for the reminder.
Hope all is well in your land. Seems spring has sprung. A new beauty, I'm sure.
Marydon Ford says
Love the barn & the write.
Happy Mother's Day.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage says
Wonderful post! Have a beautiful Sabbath Day Sandra!
myletterstoemily says
"still He knows what He's about." i love
that. such a sense of understatement. 🙂
i wanted you to know that "the inklings"
arrived today, and i can't wait to dive
into it. i'm going to post about it next
wednesday or so.
thank you again!
Deborah says
I love old barns, too!
Jen Chandler says
It's good to be back. What a post to come back to. The first verse, "move on", that spoke to me. Deep down resonance that one. Thank you.
I hope all is well at the farm.
The Antiques Diva™ says
inspiring as always… a minibreak for an overtired soul. merci!
commoncents says
Thank You for this post! I love your blog!!
Common Cents
ps. Link Exchange??
affectioknit says
I just love old barns…
Laughing Orca Ranch says
I wish that included the barn work of tending to the animals and the kitchen work of cooking and doing dishes, too. ahh well.
Lovely barn. I enjoy old barns.
KathyB. says
I especially like the John Newman quote! Amen!!!
My Farmhouse Kitchen says
Hi Sandra..I feel better today after coming here….it lifts my spirits to read this post, my friend….
wishing you a wonderful sunday
kary and teddy
Anonymous says
Love this post!!! I will give her a hug and a KISS from you. Just putting up my new favorite blogs on my list…….you will be at the top sweet gal!!
Have a Glorious SUnday!!
Linda Stubbs says
Very nice, have a wonderful day in the Lord!!!
Beautiful post.
Blessings, Linda
rockriverstitches says
Hi Sandra, Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. Ornies is short in the world of primitive crafts for ornaments.
Deanna says
Dear Sandra,
God richly bless you today and always! Lovely and restful Sunday.
Hope the haircut goes well,