everyone else is already taken.
Simple, isn’t it?
A good portion of this week has found me locked out of my blog and, indeed, blogger. I could visit, but couldn’t comment, on any blogs that were Blogspot. That’s okay, I still think Blogger is a great tool and am grateful to Blogger and Google for giving us all the wherewithall to have on-line journals.
A lot of the blogs…okay, maybe not a lot but it sure seemed like a lot…I’ve visited share a common theme or themes…weariness, exhaustion, trying to slough off the negative emotions and be positive. I think it’s due, in part, to the harsh winter we’ve had. Global warming notwithstanding, it’s been a bear of a winter; a she-bear of a winter; a she-bear whose cubs are standing on yon side of a perceived threat and she-bear is now ready to kick some major you know what.
Everyone is tired both physically, mentally and, dare I say it, spiritually. Vince Lombardi once said, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all” and that is So True! Whenever we’re tired, we’re overwhelmed and feel life simply isn’t worth the trouble. That’s when all those negative, bad, terrible, no good, horrible thoughts creep into our minds and, if not nipped in the bud, into our actions.
It is then, truly before then, we must take time out for personal renewal, reflection, daydreaming…doing those things that make our bubble seek, and find, center again. I’ve been doing some of that this week and, in the days to follow, will tell you about it – dyeing yarn, making baby blankets, taking photos, cooking some great meals, baking some wonderful cookies. In short, doing those things that make a house a home and people a family. Dave and I have been cozying up in the evenings, after supper, drinking a glass of wine, sitting in the deepening darkness in the sunroom, talking of this and that, making plans, talking over old times, sharing memories. It’s good for both souls, to catch up like this. Some of our family and friends have been going through troublesome times this week and we’ve tucked them into prayer.
Nothing, really, in and of itself that’s exceptionally extraordinary but, when put all together, becomes a life well lived and worth the living.
I want to tell you of the wonderful things that have been sent to me over the past few weeks. Remember the Sew, Mama, Sew! contest just before Christmas? I won a lovely mini-quilt that is just perfect for me and this farm…photos and story to come.
Remember Lisa’s OWOH 2010 Blogland visitation of Jan/Feb? From a USA artist I won a delightful art piece sculpture and it WOW’ed me when I opened the box.
Then, another gift of a bookmark that’s fabulously made and sure to be treasured as well but I cannot find my photo just this moment. And Misha, my next door state of Tennessee neighbor, had a giveaway and WOW’ed me when I won and when her box of beautifully wrapped goodies arrived early this week. I’ve just now, this morning, finished unwrapping the box and am amazed at the bounty!
Yes, photos and stories coming next week but, please, Thank You All! My amazement is overwhelming me and I’m carrying around bits and pieces of various gifts like they were brought to me by the Magi! I have plans for each piece…the mini-quilt will hang on my bedroom wall, the bookmark will have a place of honor in my Bible and the art piece will travel from bedroom to studio to sunroom to living room to kitchen to remind me…again and again… Part of Misha’s gift will travel with me, in luggage carry-on, and will hold all those “precious” goodies I cannot be without on a long flight – MP3 to listen to audio books, hand wash, tissues, snacks, pen and pencil, e-book so I can read while listening to music on the MP3 – stuff that’s essential to my mental well-being and keeps me from kicking, like the six year old I can sometimes be, the seat in front of me out of sheer desperation from being closely contained.
Have you yet guessed I’m a creature of delayed gratification? I despise just about everything and anything that’s “instant” and feel it’s a detriment to humankind and our personal souls. There! Is that strong enough? -smile-
The Canada geese have returned and are, sometimes, in flocks of forty or fifty. These stragglers are striving to catch up, to unite with the flock. There’s safety in numbers, you know. Companionship too.
On Monday, I’m having a giveaway to win this beautiful and useful waffle maker. BTW, it’s not my photo and shouldn’t have my name on it but…but…you know what my computer skills are not so, please forgive me and let me off the hook by accepting…I didn’t take the photo. Thanks. -smile-
Blessings ~ peace ~ well balanced center ~ sun warmed earth ~ bees ~ pax ~ gifts ~ Canada geese ~ early spring flowers ~
Thanks for visiting Thistle Cove Farm,
What a peaceful photo,that of the horses at rest against the backdrop of the graceful upsweep of the land.
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I can always count on your posts to ease my soul and delight my mind. Thank you, friend.
Yes, it has been a she-bear of a winter. I like that mental image 🙂 I usually don't mind winter. I'm usually happy to spend the dark nights at home writing or reading. But this year…oh, spring, where for art thou?
Congrats on all the delightful treasures you have won.
Hi Miss D – how's the spring cleaning going? If you need more practice, I volunteer my place…quite graciously, I might add -snicker, snicker-
Hi LindaH – and wouldn't you know it, the forecast is for snow and icy rain tonight; no accumulation, hopefully!
Hi FireLight – welcome to you and glad you've found a few moments of peace here on the farm.
Hi Mrs. Colonel – you're always welcome here and tell your husband, 'thanks for serving'. He and my nephew are in the same location and tucked into prayer always.
Hi Misha – SO very winter weary! I'm hoping the snow and icy rain tonight won't last long…please God, let it be so!
Hi KathyB – it's the simple pleasures that bring the most joy, isn't it?
Hi dogfaeriex5 – good for you, planting your feet on a path that will bring you much joy and something to show for the process!
Hi Anne – thank you for visiting and I love your blog name – Fiona and Twig…so musical.
Hi Leslie – here, the sun is playing hide and seek…mostly hide.
Hi Nancy and Angus – my condolences on your loss but I share in your comfort and happiness at seeing the brants.
Hi Alice – your winters are colder, longer and harsher than are mine, I do believe. Yes, having handwork keeps both hands, mind and body productively busy. Thank you for saying I've helped you; that brings me comfort and joy.
It has been a long winter. It was 60 degrees on Sunday but snow/rain is in the forcast for Friday and Saturday. I am finding that when Spring comes there is a kind of renewing of the spirit that I never knew while living in Washington State. I find January and February to be the most difficult months here in Minnesota. The cold and ice are the worst and so for next year I am going to learn some crafts and bide my time doing something useful. You have been an ispiration. Thank you for your pictures of horses basking in the sun.
You bring joy to my world, once again!
We were retuning from yet another Wake for another family member. To our amazement, a flock of brants landed in an open field.
So comforting… So beautiful, that all we could do was to gaze at them….and smile :o)
Hugs to you, Nancy & Angus
The sun is out here at last and the snow is melting away! Enough to lift anyone's spirits. Lovely prizes you received there!
Wonderful, thought-provoking post!
Thanks so much for the visit to my blog and for entering my giveaway! So nice to meet you and to discover your lovely blog in return!
All the best,
hi sandra!thank you for stopping b….i just started knitting and am hoping to get some of your lucious fibers for future projects, i am still just practicing the knit and purl but i am just in love with it all….
have a beautiful sunday..xox
We must be thinking along very similar lines. Today I did just that. I quickly did all my outdoor chores and tucked myself into my craft room to work on somethings that make me smile bring me joy.
I like the quote about being yourself and love the pleasure of sitting with my husband too. Isn't God wonderful and He has so blessed us. Pax to you Sister.
Sandra, So happy everything arrived in one piece! Enjoy!
Yep, we have had Canada Geese flying over, too. About moved me to tears, I feel so winter weary 🙂
The Iris on the south side of the house are sprouting, and I picked Buttercups in the woods yesterday!
Springs is on it's way. Thank you, Lord!
xo, misha
Wow! You won some really great things and I love that waffle maker! Love coming and visiting here. Love seeing what you're doing on the farm. I don't always have time to comment! Thanks for your comments for my hubby. I miss him so much. Life is so lonely without him and trying to get in touch with him can be so difficult at times. Hope you have a great Sunday and enjoy the time with your hubby!
Just spending time here at Thistle Cove Farm has been so good for my winter weary soul. Well said & thank you.
Peace be with you.
What a peaceful photo,that of the horses at rest against the backdrop of the graceful upsweep of the land.
I find I am feeling less frustrated with the gray, wet days now, knowing that soon they will be over for the spring/summer season here. I am so tied to the seasons/weather/land. Yet, other people could care less. We're all different.
Blessings to you and may you have a great week-end!
I'm cleaning.
So ready for SpRiNg.
Luv u,