Twenty-four years later, God appeared to Abram and told him he would now become a father for the second time. God made a covenant with Abram and promised, “you will be the father of many nations and your name will no longer be Abram but Abraham”. This covenant also included all males, eight days or older being circumcised. God continued, telling Abraham his wife, Sarai, would also have a name change to Sarah and, through her son, “would be the mother of nations and kings of people would come from her”. Both Sarah and Abraham found this too fantastic to be true; after all, Abraham and Sarah were both aged and they laughed at this idea but the next year, Sarah did indeed bear a son, Isaac.
Many things happened prior to Isaac being born. According to God’s decree, all males, eight days and older, were circumcised this when Abraham was 99 years old and Ishmael was 13 years old. Additionally, Abraham was visited by “three men” who came to tell Abraham Sodom was going to be destroyed due to the extreme wickedness of the citizens. Abraham knew his nephew, Lot, and Lot’s family resided in Sodom so Abraham began to bargain with the Lord.
Note: those middle easterners have always been great hagglers, it seems -smile-.
In due course, after much bargaining, the Lord agreed if ten righteous people could be found in the city, the Lord would stay his hand from destroying Sodom. The men left Abraham and made their way to Sodom and Lot’s home. It gets rather graphic, at least in my mind, because the men of Sodom or Sodomites as they were known, went to Lot’s house and demanded Lot give up his guests for the purpose of sex with the Sodomites. Lot refused and went so far as to offer his two virgin daughters for that purpose but begged the Sodomites to leave the guests alone.
Perhaps you know the end of the story…? Ten righteous men could, in fact, not be found but Lot and his family were given the opportunity to flee Sodom. The wife was turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back after being told to only face forward. I’ve thought about that often and wondered how many blessings I’ve missed out on because I’ve neglected to look to my future because I was focused on my past. Only God knows.
The story of Ishmael and Isaac is the beginning of the “tension” between Jews and Muslims. Brothers, one illegitimate and the other legitimate, fought amongst themselves and their offspring continue to this day. They were both raised in the same household, one the son of a slave girl the other the son of the mistress and both have many, many, many descendants. There is a lot more to the stories of Lot and Abraham and it’s all interesting and relevant to modern day events but I’ve gotten off track.
Move forward through history a few hundred years and we come to Great Britain and the Staffordshire Hoard. It’s the largest Anglo-Saxon hoard ever found and the first pieces were found in July 2009. When the dig was finished, more than 1,500 pieces, totally more than five kilograms of gold were in Her Royal Majesty’s collection.
In this photo of the left section of the British Museum, do you see the lion in the lower left corner?
As one exits the British Museum, this apartment building is directly across the street. I’ve lived in NYC and Washington, DC and this brings back memories of “flat living”. I’ll take Thistle Cove Farm, ta very much! -smile-
Until next time,
Blessings ~ traveling safety ~ this fabulous trip ~ figuring out the Tube ~ making it all fit, history, that is ~
Jen Chandler says
Fascinating post! Thanks for taking us all along to London with you via the magic of blogs 🙂
Jules @ MoonCat Farms says
What wonderful posts as always. I am so glad that you were able to still go on part of your trip. Good job Dave! He's a keeper.
I really agree with Deborah above. With everything that is going on in our life at the moment, looking forward is all we can and should be doing. Thank you for including that in your post.
Safe journeying dear friend.
Anonymous says
Sandra, my husband and I just came across your blog. We've really enjoyed reading several of your posts. We have traveled through your area in the past while visiting our second home in Whitetop, VA. We live in the mountains of Ga. Would love to come visit you for sheep shearing day. Could you please give us directions by internet. Look forward to visiting with you.
Mary Ann and Billy Henderson
Lindah says
What an interesting post! Thank you!
Leslie Shelor says
Awesome trip! Of course, I may have to kill you when you get back because you got to go! Stay safe!
Deborah says
Very interesting. I had recently reread some of the passages you mentioned and particularly appreciate your comment about Lot's wife and missing out on future blessings because of dwelling on the past. i had not quite looked at it like that before.
Wobegon Cottage(alice) says
It is so interesting to see things of the past. I am sure if the govenment would go back and read these stories of the Bible they might have a better understanding of what is going on today.
Deanna says
Very interesting!!!
God bless,