“The way to bliss lies not on beds of down,
And he that had no cross deserves no crown.”
~ Francis Quarles ~
“He who brings trouble on his family will inherit only wind…” ~ Proverbs 11:29 ~
“A good name, like good will, is got by many actions and lost by one.” ~ Lord Jeffrey ~
“Nature is a good name for an effect whose cause is God.” ~ William Cowper ~
“A man’s reputation draws eyes upon him that will narrowly inspect every part of him.”
~ Joseph Addison ~
“Ceremony leads her bigots forth, prepared to fight for shadows of no worth. While truths, on which eternal things depend, can hardly find a single friend.” ~ William Cowper ~
“Regard your good name as the richest jewel you can possibly be possessed of – for credit is like fire; when once you have kindled it you may easily preserve it, but if you once extinguish it, you will find it an arduous task to rekindle it again. The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear.” ~ Socrates ~
“Some would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.” ~ Norman Vincent Peale ~
“Time never fails to bring every exalted reputation to a strict scrutiny.” ~ Fisher Ames ~
Until next time,
Blessings ~ a gentle thirst quenching rain for the earth ~ a good sermon by a fine preacher in a little country church ~ health ~ happiness ~ a Sabbath day to be kept holy ~
Dena Dyer says
Welcome to High Calling Blogs! I'm the family blogs community editor and will be stopping in occasionally to say "hi." I hope you'll find the network warm, welcoming, inspiring and challenging (in a good way)–as I have. 🙂
Mountain Woman of Red Pine Mountain says
So wonderful to have a inspiring preacher. The quotes you wrote are something we all need to think about. Character is so important and honesty is to be treasured. Thank you for the reminder.
dogfaeriex5 says
thank you for this post, it is beautiful and i just love your studio…xox
The TinCan Cottage says
Hi, Sandra:D I finally got a chance to come by and say hi:D, and love your blogs Fall color scheme. I also got a chance to tour your studio, and think you have a darling little place to call your own!
As always, thank you for always sharing your words of wisdom/sabbeth keeping posts and throughout your lovely blog:D I appreciate it!
Jen Chandler says
Love your new blog layout! Gorgeous picture! Happy Monday 🙂
Deborah Ann says
Hah! This is my little country church! I see the fall colors are in bloom at Thistle Cove. Beautiful…
the wild raspberry says
your quotes are beautiful and inspiring and your new header photo is breathtaking…seriously~i need to go to virginia …wow.
real estate agent from Vancouver BC says
Hi. Beautiful picture in the banner and the post is also great. I like quotes in general. That reminds me my schooldays and lectures of philosophy. That one of Socrates is I think my favorite one but the others are not less good.
Take care,
Heckety says
Your quotes are most thought-provoking, thank you for them, especially the Socrates one, so very,very true!
I love your header photo too, and the edge of the tree!
Thank you for visiting, and following, and thank you with your help on Saturday sorting out the 'follower' button! Much appreciated!
KathyB. says
The end result of our actions and reputation are always a commentary on our name..and our family name and associations. A name is a valuable thing to be guarded with good and honorable actions. Great post.
Deanna says
Blessings to you!
Your header is gorgeous and your new blog arrangement is very nice!!!
Hope you are staying well,