Now that I’m an adult, I find I want to go back and do some fun stuff I did as a child. For one thing, I think I’d appreciate it more and better. For another, I can now choose what I want to do. Camp, for example. Did you know there are adult FUN camps? Well, I never until I ran across some listed in some art magazines or, where I really, really, really want to go…Collage Camp.
Collage Camp is held at Lipstick Ranch. Just the name sounds like a great time AND I’d learn plenty! KC Willis runs Collage Camp out in the Wild, Wild West but for those of us east of the Mississip she offers Collage Camp on DVD’s. Her list of copyrighted quotes are fabulous and seems like we shoulda heard of ’em before. Gosh, they do sound familiar! Maybe it’s just my inner cowgirl trying to surface, ya think?
Check out her sites and wish along with me. Dreams don’t have a chance of coming true if they aren’t dreamed!
Blessings ~ nice folks I’ve met via the i-net and blog land ~ camp ~ cowgirls ~
Sandra Bennett says
Hi Deanna – it DOES look like a lot of fun; I'll let you see photos as they develop – no pun intended -smile-. KC does some incredible work and I LOVE her quotes!
Deanna says
OOOHHH Collage Camp would be a real treat.
Checked out Lipstick’s site…really neat projects. Her stuff is beautiful and interesting.
My plates too full right now, but will keep this all on the back burner.
If you do some collages, perhaps you’ll show us on your blog.