Every now and again I run across some fun stuff and want to share the bounty.
A Thread of Red is a lovely, crisp, clean blog that’s easy to read, easy to navigate and is having a terrific give-away for folks who sew or for folks who know folks who sew.
Another nice blog is A Giveaway a Day and yes, they do have something to giveaway every day. She even has a cute little button to promote her blog and the giveaway.
Probably, I’ll do another post today to catch up on farming but…BUT the SUN IS SHINING and the outdoors is Calling My Name so bye-bye for now!
Blessings ~ sunshine ~ Sunshine ~ SunShine ~ SUNSHINE ~ !!!!!!! ~
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Thank you for visiting Thistle Cove Farm; may God bless you, yours and the work of your hands and heart. My goal is to respond, here, to your comments although it may take a while. Anonymous comments negative, rude or detrimental in nature will be removed.