There’s some sort of epizootics going around and, lucky me, I picked it up. I’ve been flat on my back and the days have, totally, run together. Today is the first day I’ve been at the computer in a week, maybe longer, and I’m still weaker than the new kittens playing in the barn loft.

But, differences are what makes us alike and it takes all of us to make the world go ’round. It’s only in western, “civilized” countries that we name, tame and keep our animals as pets; in other parts of the world those same animals are knows as “supper”. I tell Dave we can’t save them all so we save the ones we can.
Did I mention he’s gone over the mountan to feed a stray dog? He’s been trying to gentle this dog for a week, ever since I’ve been sick, and feeding it twice a day. Dave thinks she, the dog, would respond to a female voice and as soon as I’m able, I’ll ride across the mountain with him. We don’t need another dog, our dog girls are in double digit numbers now but Dave says this stray is beautiful and has tugged at his heart. What the hey. We’ll do like we do at supper and put another potatoe in the pot. There’s always room at the table for a hungry belly.
St. Francis of Assissi would be proud.
Blessings ~ spring ~ well health, coming again soon, hopefully ~ the i-net, keeping us connected ~ good books ~ zinneas ~ animals on the bed, keeping me company as I heal ~